Buhl and Medical Science Unit II – Renovations Phase II

Buhl and Medical Science Unit II – Renovations Phase II


The Phase II renovation of Medical Science Unit II is part of a four phase project within Medical Science Unit II and the Buhl Building to gain a closer proximity of interdepartmental and instructional working space within these buildings. Prior to the start of Phase I, departments impacted did not have contiguous space assignments. The four phase project will bring the Department of Human Genetics, the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, and Medical School instructional spaces into consolidated areas. These efforts will promote heightened communication, collaboration and efficiency within departments and throughout the buildings; as well as providing an opportunity to upgrade research laboratories, offices, support spaces and classrooms with state of the art systems.

Phase II began construction in August of 2000 and will provide 81,100 gross square feet of renovated space in Medical Science II. Expected occupancy for renovated spaces is November 2001.