M-City (Mobility Transformation Facility)

M-City (Mobility Transformation Facility)

The project will include the site clearing, grading, infrastructure and roadways, including a four-lane 1,000-foot straight concrete/asphalt road, merge lanes, a network of asphalt and concrete urban streets, roundabout, traffic circle, crushed-gravel road segment, service road connecting to the UMTRI parking lot, storage lot, security fencing around the entire site, covered pavilion, lighting, and electrical and networking infrastructure. This project also includes landscaping and storm water management, with a bridge, culverts, and bank stabilization to minimize wetland and adjacent Millers Creek impacts. The College of Engineering and UMTRI will be responsible for the future installation of site accessories that are not included in this project. Over time, these accessories may include building facades placed onto foundations to simulate urban streets, street signs and trusses for overhead highway signage, roadway and pedestrian lights, railroad crossings, traffic signals, benches, traffic barrels, mock fire hydrants, and other devices necessary to simulate a realistic driving environment. Parking will be provided on site as part of the project.