Stephen M. Ross School of Business Facilities Enhancement Project

Stephen M. Ross School of Business Facilities Enhancement Project


The Stephen M. Ross School of Business Facilities Enhancement Project is an approximately 270,000-gross-square-foot building that will be seven floors housing twelve state-of-the-art classrooms, an auditorium and colloquium, faculty offices, student service activities space, and a central gathering space that will provide seating areas and a food court.

The heart of this project is a town square that will facilitate the spontaneous gathering together of the entire business school community.  Programmatic components of the school such as auditorium, classrooms, and faculty offices have been composed around this central room in the form of an ascending spiral.  The geometric properties of this rectangular spiral allow it to extend itself outward, joining the existing parts of the business school to its new parts through a series of unifying elements designed to create an intimate linkage between past, present, and future.