
The University of Michigan places the highest priority on safety, and is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all that attend, visit and work at U-M. This includes construction contractors and their respective work forces. Safety is an essential component of construction work, and it is a key contractual responsibility for those managing and performing such work. The University of Michigan’s goal is zero injuries on construction projects. Effective contractor safety programs align with this goal by assisting contractors to systematically identify and evaluate anticipated hazards in order to establish controls in advance and prevent accidents. Interactions developed through these programs also bring collateral benefits in the form of increased safety awareness, improved communication, documentation and cost savings.

Construction Safety Guidelines

Construction Contractor Safety Recognition Program

Construction Safety Events


 Construction Safety Links

Projects involving the disturbance of asbestos or lead-containing materials or other hazardous materials are reviewed by OSEH staff working closely with Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) engineers and architects who design the projects. Monitoring is conducted as necessary during project work to ensure safety of University staff and students as well as contractor safety. Asbestos work in particular is regulated very closely with continuous oversight by consultants managed through IH&S, in cooperation with AEC. All matters related to asbestos in buildings are addressed in the University Asbestos Management Plan.