Quality Control

Quality Control Construction Mock-ups

Two unusual-looking structures are being erected across Washtenaw Avenue from the Palmer Drive Development project site, next to the Central Campus Recreation Building. These two structures are mock-up walls for the Life Sciences Institute and the Commons Building.

The mock-up walls are a combination of wall design elements from several of the new buildings’ facades. These are temporary structures that will be removed. The walls do not represent the true final appearance of the buildings, but they do include all the materials that will make up the facades. They are being erected to confirm the design and construction details, including assembly and weatherproofing, before the processes are fully implemented on the new buildings. The mock-up process is similar to building a prototype before the actual construction or manufacture of any product. One of the purposes is to save time and money by identifying any concerns or issues in a small trial before they are encountered on the actual construction project.

This process will add to the quality of the finished buildings. Each building on campus is planned to last for 75 to 100 years. It is prudent to spend appropriate time and money in the beginning to ensure the building quality supports such a vision.

University Record article Life Sciences Institute test model speeds construction.