Regents Action Items

Regents Action Items (1998 to Current)


DateAgenda ItemAction
September 2013 A. Alfred Taubman Health Sciences Library Renovation Authorization to Issue the Project for Bids and Award Construction Contracts
March 2013 A. Alfred Taubman Health Sciences Library Renovation Approval of Schematic Design
April 2012 A. Alfred Taubman Health Sciences Library Renovation Approval of Project and Authorization to Appoint an Architect
June 2007 A. Alfred Taubman Medical Library Elevator Replacement Approval to Proceed with Project
July 1999 Taubman Medical Library Renovations for Graduate Student Programs, Lobby, Circulation and Reserve Collections Approval of Budget and Authorization to Issue the Project for Bids and Award a Construction Contract
April 1999 Taubman Medical Library Renovations for Graduate Student Programs, Lobby, Circulation and Reserve Collections Approval of Project and Authorization to Appoint and Architect
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