2.2 Design Deliverables

As part of the deliverables for formal UM review at each of the major phases of design listed below, the Design Professional shall submit this “Design Deliverables” document to the University’s Design Coordinator. On the “Design Deliverables” document, the Design Professional shall indicate the status of each required item (a check mark is interpreted to mean that an item has been included in the deliverables). On or attached to the “Design Deliverables” document, the Design Professional shall address any item that is NOT included in the review package.

Note that design deliverables for the Design Development phase are to include all items listed in the Design Development column of the “Design Deliverables” table AND, except as specifically stated to the contrary in the table, all items listed in the Schematic Design column of the table (which are to have been further developed during Design Development).

Note that design deliverables for the Construction Document phase are to include all items listed in the Construction Document column of the “Design Deliverables” table AND, except as specifically stated to the contrary in the table, all items listed in the Schematic Design column and all items listed in the Design Development column of the table (which are to have been further developed during the Construction Document phase).

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