To request changes to any Design Guidelines, send an email to the DG Editor. Include your name, company and best contact information with your request. If you have not received a response in 10 business days, resubmit your request.
This section lists the changes made to Design Guidelines each month.
December 2024
Removed note under the IFC “as referenced in the Michigan Building Code” and added adoption of appendix B-I adopted.
Enforcing Agency —
University of Michigan EHS Fire Marshal.
1239 Kipke Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI. 48109-1010 (734) 615-2718
November 2024
263000 Engine-Generator System – November 22, 2024
The master specification 263000 for Engine-Generator System has been updated, per the following:
- Added 2.5.D.16, in accordance with NEC 700.3(F), the generator annunciators shall indicate that the permanent generator is disconnected from the emergency system.
- Revised 3.2.C, in accordance with NEC 700.3(F), tie the “permanent emergency source is disconnected” switching contact point to the BAS system.
The following revisions have been made to the Electrical PML 8.4:
- Testing Services – Deleted Northern Electrical Testing (out of business, acquisition), and added RESA Power
- Low Voltage Room Control – Deleted Eaton RC3 series and added Eaton WaveLinx series (manufacturer product line evolution)
- Interior Lighting – Deleted fluorescent and HID lighting fixture manufacturers (general clean up, as we don’t see fluorescent or HID specified anymore)
- Emergency Responder Radio Services – added Diversified Wire & Cable
October 2024
No Updates
September 2024
Master Specifications
028213 Asbestos Remediation – September 26, 2024
028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic
028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material
Remove “17. Quality Environmental Services, Inc.” from the list of approved abatement contractors in section 1.5 A.
Standard Details and Schedules
August 2024
Technical Sections
101400 Signage – August 28,2024
- DG 272000 Voice and Data Communications
- Revised various phrases to comply with new Category 6A UTP data cables, which are 0.3″ diameter.
DG230014 Packaged Roof Top Air Conditioning Units – August 19, 2024
The changes basically request mfr’s standard packaged controls for rooftop air handling units, in lieu of custom controls from our DDC shop. This change will save first cost.
Additionally, BAS connectivity requirements are called out.
Gas fired rooftop units should only be considered as a last resort, and that the UM Design Manager review and approval is required before proceeding.
Master Specifications
272000 Voice & Data Communications – August 23, 2024
- MS272000 Voice and Data Communications
- 3.1.A.2 – Revised conduit size from 1-1/2″ to 2″.
142100 Electric Traction Elevator – August 7, 2024
142400 Hydraulic Elevators – August 7, 2024
Updated key model no. for the escutcheon locks on elevator doors. The correct model no. is Trilock TL1415. This change occurs in sections 142400, 2.5, A, 1, and 142100, 2.5, A, 1 and 142100, 2.7, M, 4.
July 2024
Master Specifications
Master Specification 262726 Wiring Devices – July 26, 2024
- Section 2.2 Low Voltage, Stand-Alone, Room Lighting Control System
- Throughout Section 2.2, the Cooper Greengate lighting controls have been revised to Cooper WaveLinx lighting controls. The manufacturer is phasing out the Greengate line over the coming year.
- Section 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 Receptacles
- Eaton purchased Cooper, so the manufacturer for Arrow Hart receptacles has been updated throughout.
- Section 2.6 USB Charger Duplex Receptacles
- This paragraph previously only supported Type A USB chargers. It has been revised to allow Type A or Type C USB chargers, depending on the project parameters.
- Section 2.11 Floor Boxes
- Added Leviton as a manufacturer option.
Summary of changes:
- Modified acceptable manufacturers of DDC controllers and related software. Deleted ASI, added Distech Controls.
- Edited HMI requirements to be all IP
- Minor changes on DDC controller requirements.
June 2024
3.2 Carbon Reduction and Energy and Water Conservation – June 6, 2024
DG 3.2 has been updated to reflect the correct link to the U-M utilities page.
Master Specifications
Changes include:
- Ball style control valves are now specified to be nickel coated brass or stainless steel construction due to water quality issues causing corrosion and failures within brass construction ball valves.
- LTDE installation requirements have been adjusted to match manufacturer recommended installation requirements.
May 2024
Changes to the page are as follows:
Chapter 1109.2.1.2 Exception replace with the following: (Adopted June 1, 2024)
Exception: The following additional plumbing fixtures shall be permitted in the family or assisted-use toilet room:
1. A urinal.
2. A child-height water closet.
3. A child-height lavatory
4. An adult changing station also used for bathing
Chapter 11 add Section 1109.3A between section 1109.3 and 1109.4 and corresponding articles up to 1109.3A.4.4. (Adopted June 1, 2024)
1109.3A Adult changing stations: Where provided, adult changing stations shall be accessible. Where required, adult changing stations shall be accessible and shall comply with Sections 1112.4.1 through 1109.3A.1 Where Required.
Not fewer than one adult changing station shall be provided in the following locations:
1. In Assembly and mercantile occupancies, where family or assisted- use toilet or bathing rooms are required to comply with Section 1109.2.1.
2. In Group B occupancies providing educational facilities for students above the 12th grade, where an aggregate of 12 or more water closets are required to serve the classrooms and lecture halls.
3. In Group E occupancies, where a room or space used for assembly purposes requires an aggregate of six or more water closets for the room or space.
4. In highway rest stops and highway service plazas.
1109.3A.2 Adult changing stations shall be located in toilet rooms that include only one water closet and only one lavatory. Fixtures located in such rooms shall be included in determining the number of fixtures provided in an occupancy. The occupants shall have access to the required adult changing station at all times that the associated occupancy is occupied.
Exception: Adult changing stations shall be permitted to be located in family or assisted toilet
rooms required in Section 1109.2.1
1109.3A.3 Prohibited location
The accessible route from the separate-sex toilet or bathing rooms to an accessible adult changing station shall not require travel through security checkpoints.
1109.3A.4 Travel Distance
The adult changing station shall be located on an accessible route such that a person is not more than two stories above or below the story with the adult changing station and the path of travel to such facility shall not exceed 2000, fee (609.6 m).
1109.3A.5 Adult changing table surround walls and partitions within 2 feet (610 mm) measured horizontally from each end of the adult changing table and to a height of not less than 72 inches (1829 mm) above the floor shall have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface, and except for structural elements, the materials used in such walls shall be of a type that is not adversely affected by moisture.
Michigan Rehabilitation Code for Existing Buildings 2015 add the following section:
Chapter 3 add Section 306 Accessibility for Existing Buildings
306.7.15 Adult Changing Stations.
Where additional toilet facilities are being added, in occupancies where adult changing stations are required by 1109.3A of the Michigan Building Code, not fewer than one accessible family or assisted toilet room with an adult changing station shall be provided in accordance with Section 1109.3A of the Michigan Building Code. The adult changing station shall be permitted to be located in a single use family or assisted-use toilet room or bathing room.
Michigan Mechanical Code 2021 add the following section:
Add to Table 403.3.11 Minimum Ventilation Rates: Occupancy classification- Room with adult changing station. Exhaust Airflow Rate CFM/square foot a – 50/70 e.
1. Table 403.3.1.1 Footnote a: Based on net occupiable floor area
2. Table 403.3.1.1 Footnote e: Rates are per water closet, urinal or adult changing station. The higher rate shall be provided where the exhaust system is designed to operate intermittently. The lower rate shall be permitted only where the exhaust system is designed to operate continuously while occupied.
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 230920 001 Typical Lab DDC Architecture – May 23, 2024
Changed Lab Integration to more generic descriptor, added max qty of BACnet devices to Siemens controller, added additional note under Scope of Work for component selections by Lab Controls Contractor.
MD 238245 001 Chilled Beam Piping Detail – May 21, 2024
Chilled Beam piping details show the duct/air added detail and additional chilled beams for the zone.
Master Specifications
281300 Access Control & Monitoring System – May 21, 2024
Page. 281300-3
Section 2.2 Access Control Equipment
Subsection A, line 1
Access Control panels shall be Software House iStar Ultra SE Series only.
Access Control panels shall be Software House iStar Ultra G2 SE Series only.
Basically, G2 was added after the word Ultra.
Page. 281300-3
Section 2.2 Access Control Equipment
Subsection B Card Readers (CR)
Line 1.a
Multi-technology reader: Software House – RM2L-4000-UM.
Consult with UM Key Office on specific card reader make/model design currently available.
This will be a temporary change. Software House is actively working on another RM2L model for us.
230900 – Mechanical Systems Controls – May 22, 2024
The following changes were made by the Controls Specification Subcommittee.
- Ball style control valves are now specified to be nickel coated brass or stainless steel construction due to water quality issues causing corrosion and failures within brass construction ball valves.
- LTDE installation requirements have been adjusted to match manufacturer recommended installation requirements.
April 2024
Standard Details and Schedules
Section 232216 – Steam & Condensate Piping Specialties – April 16, 2024
The Team has increased the size of the trap to 12″ below equipment or main and the dirt leg to 6″ min.
Preferred Manufacturers List
Architectural PML – April 30, 2024
Removed Lab Crafters
Master Specifications
Master Specification 115313 Laboratory Fume Hoods – April 30, 2024
Section 115313 Laboratory Fume Hoods, Part 2.1 has been updated to remove Lab Crafters Inc. from the list of acceptable manufacturers for both standard and reduced face velocity chemical fume hoods.
Master Specification MS 220523 Valves – April 29, 2024
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
2.3B Added Jomar
2.12 Revised the wording, added Victaulic.
Master Specification MS 223116 Water Softener – April 29, 2024
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
2.1 Updated the manufacturers
Master Specification 262726 Wiring Devices – April 12, 2024
- Split up section 2.4 into sub-paragraphs 2.4.A and 2.4.B, allowing GFCI and AFCI receptacles to hold their own paragraphs.
- For GFCI receptacles 2.4.A, added a requirement for advanced microcontroller technology to prevent false trips. Over the past year or two, U-M campus has been experiencing an increase in false trips with GFCIs, causing nuisance and lost research to users. A number of pilot projects have demonstrably eliminated/reduced the false trips.
These revisions have been discussed and approved by the Interdepartmental Electrical Team and the FCA Electrical Team.
Master Specification MS 220553 Mechanical Identification – April 8, 2024
Project Procedures
U-M AEC – 2024 Design Professional Cost Benchmarking Submission Form (xlsx) – April 25, 2024
Updated to include 2023 actual inflation.
DG 2.5 Project Estimates – April 5, 2024
Benchmark threshold was increased from $5 million to $10 million.
March 2024
Master Specifications
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – March 20, 2024
230924 Systems Integration (Hospital Projects) – March 20, 2024
These changes include:
- revising the description of our Desigo server architecture and integration requirements to follow the “Hospital Facilities – Desigo BMS Integration Guidelines”.
- updated the link to the UMH BMS Integration Process flow diagram, as the old link was broken.
- updated 230905 to reflect specs around the use of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitors, which are IP smart sensors that only take a data connection and can monitor a host of environmental data (temperature, humidity, particulates, lighting, sound, etc). We are currently using these monitors on the pharmacy sensor project with good success.
Division 01 General Requirements – March 4, 2024
Updated the color of the construction fence screening to Navy.
Added link to Michigan Legislature Article VIII section 5 which provides information on regulatory autonomy in the first paragraph of introduction.
Updated November 2022, posted March 13, 2024.
101400 Signage – March 20, 2024
Updated the link to digital signage.
February 2024
Technical Sections
Standard Schedules and Details – Civil Water Main Details
City of Ann Arbor Standard Details – February 1, 2024
Link was updated.
January 2024
Master Specifications
Division 01 – General Requirements – January 26, 2024
Updated Submittal Procedures section:
Division 01 – Section 013300 – Submittal Procedures. Updated section to remove references to “ProjectDox” and edited management of submittal exchange (Part 2.1.A.1). AEC’s use of ProjectDox was discontinued in August of 2023.
237213 Rotary Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Wheels – January 17, 2024
238216 Coils and Drain Pans – January 17, 2024
Changes reduce costs for the coil spec section. These changes clarify wheel drive requirements for the rotary energy recovery spec section.
237323 Custom Air Handling Units – January 17, 2024
237324 Semi-Custom Air Handling Units – January 17, 2024
Changes reduce costs for the air handlers.
MS223116 Water Softener – January 2, 2024
Replaced pneumatically actuated control valves with electronically actuated control valves.
MS233300 Air Duct Accessories & RGDs – January 2, 2024
Revised smoke/fire damper actuators to be electric for all new projects. Pneumatic damper actuators shall only be used in maintenance applications.
MS233400 Fans – January 2, 2024
Removed pneumatic actuation as an option for damper actuators on high-plume induction type lab fan.
MS233600 Air Terminal Units – January 2, 2024
Revised to remove pneumatic controls. For select projects permitted to use pneumatic controls, removed portions of the specification can be found in the editor’s notes.
MS238413 Steam Humidifiers – January 2, 2024
Replaced pneumatic controls with electronic controls for control valves and condensate temperature switches.
December 2023
Technical Sections
140000 Conveying Systems – General Requirements – December 15, 2023
Complete rewrite.
Master Specifications
142400 Hydraulic Elevators – December 14, 2023
142100 Electric Traction Elevator– December 14, 2023
142216 Wheelchair Lifts – December 15, 2023
New sections.
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 233600 003 HWH Duct-Mounted Reheat Coil – December 8, 2023
Curb & Gutter Details Composite – December 15, 2023
New detail that combines the details listed below, which have been removed.
18″ Curb & Gutter (U Of M Standard)
City Of Ann Arbor Curb & Gutter
18″ Curb & Gutter, Spillout
Mountable Curb & Gutter
November 2023
Special Instructions to Designers
4.10 Telecommunication Cabling System – November 17, 2023
Technical Sections
101400 Signage – November 17, 2023
Appendices A and C graphics were updated with the new accessible logo for the design guidelines.
087100 Finish Hardware – November 9, 2023
We have modified and updated hardware model numbers and requirements based on occupancy.
Master Specifications
033053 Miscellaneous Cast-In-Place Concrete – November 27, 2023
037300 Tunnels Concrete Restoration – November 27, 2023
Two AEC posted concrete specifications have been updated so that cementitious material shall include ASTM C595 to cover the cement industry’s production switch to ASTM C595 Type 1L cement (Portland Limestone Cement or PLC) from the past standard ASTMC150 Type 1 (general). MDOT includes both ASTM C150 and ASTMD595 – Local suppliers are using the Type 1L (PLC cement, ASTMC595), and ASTM C150 Type 1 cement will soon only be available as a specialty cement.
Quick Facts about Type 1L Cement:
- MDOT has allowed Type 1L cement to be used in concrete since 2014, but the product has not been produced in significant quantities prior to now.
- Type 1L is often referred to as “portland-limestone cement,” or PLC
Cement companies typically formulate Type 1L to perform almost exactly like their Type 1. - Type 1L allows up to 15% interground limestone, whereas Type 1 has allowed up to 5% for many years now.
- Per the MI Concrete Institute, most Type 1L cements result in an approximate 10% reduction in carbon production vs. the standard Type 1.
261100 Unit Substations – November 3, 2023
Formatting work was done on the word document to correctly display it on the .pdf version.
October 2023
Standard Details and Schedules
1. All tunnel Tool-kit Details were reviewed with the tunnels utility group. Revisions and
updates were made to the TK sheets indicated by date.
2. Sheets TK-4A and TK-4B were merged into one new sheet named TK-4.
3. Sheet TK-9 details are no longer used so the sheet was removed from masters.
3.2.4 LCCA and Carbon Worksheet – October 19, 2023
Worksheet was updated to fix some bugs in the excel file
Master Specifications
MS235150: Venting Systems for Specialty Gas Fired Appliances: – October 6, 2023
Removed double-wall venting for Category I, Category III, and Category IV non-condensing gas fired appliances (Category II and Category IV condensing remain).
Revised vent support intervals description to be independent of equipment served.
MS235239: Fire Tube Boilers (Hot Water): – October 6, 2023
Removed requirement for hard copies of boiler package documents and O&M manuals.
Added shipping protection requirements for contractor-furnished equipment and spec editor notes indicating paragraphs to include for S&H of pre-purchased equipment.
Revised duct connections execution to include combustion air intake ducting, and removed specific instructions for field fabrication of ducting, with reference to section 235150 and UL 1738.
September 2023
Preferred Manufacturers List
8.4 Electrical – September 19, 2023
In Section 265100 Interior Lighting, we added Wizard Lighting Company as a local lighting representative. The Wizard Lighting line card and representation was reviewed and approved at the Interdepartmental Electrical Team meeting in September.
Project Procedures
- Removed items that U-M is responsible for providing
- Clarified language
- Removed requirements that are not appropriate for pre-design
August 2023
Technical Sections
101400 Signage – August 23, 2023
Corrected the link to appendix D.
3.2 Carbon Reduction and Energy and Water Conservation – August 4, 2023
DG 3.2 has been updated to match the shower head flow requirements included in MS224200. (Revised July 2023, posted August 2023)
July 2023
Technical Sections
101400 Signage – July 25, 2023
Updated DG101400 Signage and new appendix E. The changes reflect added pictograms that have been approved by the Planning Review Committee.
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
U-M Design Guidelines Technical Committees, Committee Chairs and Email Addresses – July 24, 2023
Updated membership.
The summary of changes are as follows: Update some of the hyperlinks that were broken. Page 8 Under conflicting requirements added to the NFPA 45 2011 – Unless complying with the MBC 428 section on research laboratory. Modified the following under State of Michigan Rules for Construction or Renovation of Swimming Pools updated department from:
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (Water Division)
Michigan Department of Environmental, Great Lakes and Energy and added the following with hyperlink to Public Swimming Pools rules:
which is supplemented with the Administrate rules for Public Swimming Pools. On the BFS listing page 27 the building number for the Dearborn Fairlane Center North was corrected to 5459.Removed the building from the BFS list 1060 Dearborn University Center per Dearborn Facilities this not a classroom building and not under BFS jurisdiction. In the June update of the Code and Regulatory Agency Page there was an error in removing the following building this has been added back into the BFS listing:
DG 4.9 Bird Collision Deterrence – July 17, 2023
Updated to reference the updated LEED credit name.
June 2023
Special Building Areas
5.19 MM Behavioral Health Design Guideline – June 30, 2023
This new Michigan Medicine design guideline provides guidance around acceptable practice/ product used in our behavioral health applications.
Project Procedures
2.4 Document Standards And Procedures For Project Deliverables – June 14, 2023
The email address for floor plans was updated.
Codes and Regulatory Agency – June 14, 2023
Changes include the following:
Changed the date from March 2022 to June 2023
State of Michigan Elevator Code (Effective June 27, 2023)
State of Michigan Elevator Code (2016 and 2017 Editions) (Effective June 27, 2023)
(Incorporating by reference the Michigan rules and exceptions for the adoption of ASME A17.1 2016 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, the ASME A17.2 2017 Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving walks, the ASME 17.3-2017 safety code for existing elevators and escalators, the ASME A17.6-2017 Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation and Governor Systems, the ASME A18.1-2017 Safety Code Standard for Platform Lifts, and Stairway Chairlifts, ASME A90.1-2009 Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts, and ANSI A10.4-2016 safety requirements for personnel hoist and employee elevators for construction and demolition and operations.)
Enforcing Agency —
State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Construction Codes
Elevator Safety Division
PO Box 30254
Lansing, MI. 48909
(517) 241-933
Buildings removed from BFS jurisdiction listing:
0225 DANCE BUILDING – Demolished
1065 DEARBORN MARDIGIAN LIBRARY -No longer BFS jurisdiction letter filed from Dearborn facilities for record
Master Specifications
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – June 14, 2023
Description of changes:
- Modified automatic control valve section 2.14 and damper operators’ section 2.16 to include electric actuation as the preferred option for new projects.
- Reorganized section 2.14 to simplify valve requirements per UM Controls AD HOC Specification Subcommittee.
- Clarified thermistor requirements.
- Reformatted sections 2.5 thru 2.11 to align with campus spec formatting, little if any technical changes made.
- Added sections 3.3 thru 3.6 to align with campus.
MS230901 Mechanical Systems Controls TURNKEY – June 6, 2023
Modified automatic control valve section 2.17 and damper operators section 2.19 to include electric actuation as the preferred option for new projects. Reorganized section 2.17 to simplify valve requirements per the Controls Ad Hoc Specification subcommittee.
May 2023
Master Specifications
MS336320 Utility Tunnels – Domestic Hot Water Distribution – May 2, 2023
April 2023
Master Specifications
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
8.4 Electrical PML – April 21, 2023
- Section 265100 – Interior Lighting – Lighting Representatives – deleted Resource Lighting Group. Resource Lighting Group went out of business.
- Section 265100 – Interior Lighting – Lighting Representatives – added Pro-Tech Lighting & Controls. Pro-Tech represents Southeast Michigan with 116 manufacturers, many of which provide commercial-grade light fixtures suitable for UM projects.
Ms028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic – April 7, 2023
MS028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material – April 7, 2023
MS 220553 Mechanical Identification – March 30, 2023
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
1.4 – Added Manufacturer – Kolbi Marker Co
2.1G – Added Process Chilled Water Water Supply & Return
Added Dental Air, Dental Vacuum Laboratory Compressed Air & Laboratory Vacuum
Added Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal;
Added a note : ALL labeling shall conform to NFPA 99
MS 224200 Plumbing Fixtures – March 30, 2023
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
Added 2.23 Sink F: Wall-Hung, Healthcare Handwashing
2.39.C .5 Removed the phrase “in base of spout.”
2.39.C.13 Added Manufacturer – Chicago
- Under Part 2, – Products, in 2.1 Unit Substation Assembly, section Q, the following words were added “as manufactured by T&B or Burndy“.
- Under Part 2, – Products, in 2.4 Secondary Voltage Distribution Section, section F.8, the following sentence was added “The rear compartments shall be provided with full height doors secured with three point latches with a single quarter turn knob with provision for a padlock.”
- Under Part 2, – Products, in 2.4 Secondary Voltage Distribution Section, section G.5, the following words were added “and an amber trip indication light“.
- Under Part 2, – Products, in 2.4 Secondary Voltage Distribution Section, section G.8, the following sentence was added “Manually operated breakers shall be provided with position indicating lights and an amber trip indication light.“.
February 2023
Technical Sections
261100 Unit Substations – February 9, 2023
DG Summary of Changes Below:
Updated system fault contribution level for determining the required interrupting rating for unit substation equipment. The contribution level is revised to 1000 MVA with an X/R ratio of 23.
Special Building Areas
5.7 Unit Substation Rooms – February 9, 2023
DG Summary of Changes Below:
- Updated OSEH to EHS
- Clarified transformer vault code reference
- Clarified minimum fire resistance rating for substation rooms
- Remove requirement for pre-action sprinkler systems in substation rooms of units serving patient care facilities
- Updated ventilation system requirements for substation rooms to address dust / dirt infiltration.
- Added Appendix – A which includes SOPs for updated ventilation system requirements
- Updated reference of MOSCAD panels to McEdge panels
- Added requirement for diffused acrylic lenses for LED lighting fixtures in substation rooms.
- Added requirement for building wide Wi-Fi coverage to extend into the substation room.
3.3 Sustainable Products Portfolio – February 7, 2023
Master Specification
Division 01 General Requirements – February 1, 2023
1.5 Work By Owner
Item A
Phrase “shall be conducted…” changed to “shall be coordinated…”
January 2023
Master Specification
MS 230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – February 7, 2023
Changes include:
Changes associated with new Systems Integration spec 230924. See below
Changed UMHHC to UMH to reflect branding change.
Added reference to and contact info for Facilities Applications and Systems Monitoring group.
Added requirements for all IP DDC solutions, as applicable.
Modified DDC controller requirements, including alarm and trend management requirements.
Added requirement for MSCC to provide latest firmware.
Modified demolition of legacy DDC system responsibilities.
Modified requirement that MSCC’s shall configure HMI’s.
Misc changes to incorporate campus changes to 230900 issued some time back, including expanded electronic actuator requirements and control loop tuning requirements.
Added gas detection, including MRI O2 depletion, added occ sensors for ORs.
Added room pressure indicator (RPI) requirements.
Minor changes to submittal and warranty requirements, including new BMS addressing requirements.
MS 230924 – Systems Integration (Hospital Projects) – February 7, 2023
New. This outlines the requirements of the Systems Integrator (SI) in integrating changes to our Desigo BMS.
One of the goals with these changes is to address a new model with how our projects will be delivered. The goal is future projects deliver a turnkey approach to BMS changes, including field control changes (by the MSCC) and changes to the hospital’s Desigo frontend (by the SI). This is a departure from the past approach where UMH would self perform the role of the SI.
MS 232116 Hydronic Systems Specialties – January 27, 2023
The Steam & Hydronics Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
Added: Bell & Gossett CRS Air and Dirt Separator as acceptable Coalescing Separator manufacturer.
Standard Details and Schedules
28160015 – MC-Edge RTU Electrical Detail January 20, 2023
Per the request of UM Radio Shop, we have made a minor revision to Electrical Detail 28160015 – MC-Edge RTU Electrical Detail. The conduit to the roof antenna was revised from 1″C to 1-1/4″C.
Technical Requirements
Civil Sheet Set-up Checklist – January 10, 2023
Updating the link to the City documents and to the topo survey (link was broken) , adding maintenance agreement statement to utilities sheet/water main plan/profile sheet, and adding a fire page comment that the emergency access road needs to be 26 feet wide adjacent to hydrants (otherwise it is 20′ wide unless a highrise).
088000 Glazing – January 4, 2023
Added language regarding the application of window films for enhanced Thermal Performance.
December 2022
Project Procedures
RFP for Surveys – December 19, 2022
Changes in italic include:
- Spatial Reference System and Geodetic Control…
- Minimum two (2) Bench Marks (“BM”) with elevations and locations. Include a BM schedule with BM# and detailed description (e.g. spike location, top nut arrow of fire hydrant, etc.) Note if the BM location is off plan. Mark the BM in the field with permanent paint of a contrasting color.
- Topographic…
- d. Ground spot elevation directly below BM.
- Planimetric…
- b. Building lines, door locations and floor elevations. Include light and window wells and any building protrusion less than 15’ in height (e.g. canopies and overhangs).
□ If checked, provide a spot elevation of finished floor for all building floors. Do not provide floor elevation obtained from any existing source.
- b. Building lines, door locations and floor elevations. Include light and window wells and any building protrusion less than 15’ in height (e.g. canopies and overhangs).
- Deliverables…
- a. Provide an electronic copy of the survey in PDF and CAD; MicroStation (dgn) format preferred, AutoCAD (dwg) acceptable. The PDF and CAD file shall include the dated and signed by a Michigan Registered Land Surveyor.
b. Provide a hard paper copy (24” x 36” page size) of the Certified Survey that is sealed….
- a. Provide an electronic copy of the survey in PDF and CAD; MicroStation (dgn) format preferred, AutoCAD (dwg) acceptable. The PDF and CAD file shall include the dated and signed by a Michigan Registered Land Surveyor.
3.2 Carbon Reduction and Energy and Water Conservation – December 13, 2022
This DG has been corrected to include both the revisions made in July 2022 and November 2022 (the revisions made in July do not appear to have been carried over into the November version).
Standard Details and Schedules
9.3 Electrical Details – December 8, 2022
Nine Lighting Pole Details 26560003, 26560006, 26560010, 26560011, 26560012, 26560013, 26560014, 26560015, 26560017 – for all details, we deleted the 8′-0″ long ground rod, cadweld connection, and associated ground wire to the ground lug. Although ground rods are allowed by the NEC at each light pole, they are not required and ultimately serve no purpose in protecting the associated circuit or the luminaire from lightning. The associated circuit contains an equipment ground conductor that routes back to the panelboard, providing all necessary circuit protections. This revision was reviewed and approved by the Interdepartmental Electrical Team, Utilities Outdoor Power & Lighting, as well as UM Electrical Inspectors.
Lighting Pole Detail 26560006 – per Utilities Outdoor Power & Lighting, some of the terminal block heights were adjusted to better suit field conditions.
Lighting Pole Details 26560010, 26560014 – for these details, we deleted all references to metal halide lamps. All projects have been using LED lamps for a number of years now.
Delete the following details from our website: 26560001 – Metal Halide Site Light Schedule, 26560027 – Parking Lot Fixture Schedule Update. We have not had a metal halide project for a number of years now, so these details can be deleted.
Master Specifications
MS260800 Electrical Acceptance Tests – December 16, 2022
The revisions were discussed at an Interdepartmental Electrical Team meeting, and were written, reviewed, and approved by a sub-committee including AEC, FPD, and Utilities. The revisions include:
Added Section 3.11 Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) Tests
MS 224200 Plumbing Fixtures – December 6, 2022
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
2.1 Water Closets General revised flush requirement to 1.28 gpf.
2.2.A Water Closets WC-A Wall Mounted – removed Crane, added Zurn.
2.2.B Water Closets WC-B Floor Mounted 15″ Non-ADA – removed Crane, added Zurn.
2.2.C Water Closets WC-C Floor Mounted ADA compliant – removed Crane, added Zurn
2.2.E Added specification – Water Closet WC-E Floor Mounted, Floor outlet, close coupled
(gravity tank), vitreous china, ADA compliant.
2.3.B Added Specification: WC-FLV-B Manual single flush valve (1.28 gpf)
2.3.D Added Specification: WC-FLV-D Flushometer Valves – Piston, sensor operated,
battery powered (optional, not prefered).
2.18.A.1 Updated depth dimension.
2.18.A.3 Updated Kohler model name.
2.19.A.1 Updated depth dimension.
2.19.A.3.c Updated Kohler model name.
2.20.A.1 Updated depth dimension.
2.26.A.6 Revised SF-A faucet flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
2.27.A.6 Revised SF-B faucet flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
2.28.A.10.d Updated Chicago model name.
2.29.A.9.d Updated Chicago model name.
2.36.A Revised SH-A shower system flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
2.36.B Revised SH-B shower head flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
2.36.C Revised shower control valve flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
2.36.D.2.d Revised SS-H shower system flow rate to 1.5 gpm.
November 2022
DG 3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – November 17, 2022
DG 3.1 has been revised as follows:
DG requires Integrative Design meetings for all new construction projects and major renovation projects that exceed $10M construction cost.
Visual Display requirements have been removed (these are now being made in-house)
Additional Resources section has been removed (this information is outdated)
In response to the President’s Commission on Carbon Neutrality (PCCN) recommendations, the following Design Guidelines have been drafted and/or revised: – November 10, 2022
NEW DG 3.6 Carbon Reduction
Provides information on which projects are required to comply with maximum carbon emissions targets
Explains how a project is to determine the maximum carbon emissions target using the building types included in the project
Reference Documents attachments include: Building Infrastructure Table and Building Type Definitions and Maximum Emissions Table
DG 2.1 OPR and BOD Documents
Revised to include carbon reduction requirements
DG 2.1.1 OPR BOD Report Format
Revised to include carbon reduction requirements
DG 3.2 Carbon Reduction and Energy and Water Conservation
Revised to include documentation requirements associated with carbon targets.
DG 3.2.3 Energy Impact Statement
Revised to include ASHRAE Baseline column and Carbon information
NEW DG 3.2.4 LCCA and Carbon Worksheet
New document for tracking building type breakdown and energy information.
Master Specifications
MS 075323 Ethylene-Propylene-Diene-Monomer (EPDM) Roofing – November 30, 2022
Updated the Acceptable Manufacturers listed in part 2.2 to replace “Firestone building products” with “Holcim Elevate LSFR RubberGard Roofing Systems”. Holcim Elevate acquired Firestone’s building product division.
MS 220719 Mechanical Systems Insulation – November 11, 2022
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
1.2 – Summary: added insulating branch heating and branch chilled water piping
1.2.F – Items Not To Be Insulated: Added piping within fin tube or other terminal units.
2.2.A – Updated Insulation Thickness Table and added Editors Note on ASHRAE 90.1-2019
2.3.B – Added fiberglass piping insulation with polymer film or
polypropylene coated vapor barrier
2.4.C – Added Editors Note to consider adding insulated jackets on
steam trap assemblies and unions.
MS 220523 Valves – November 2, 2022
The Plumbing/Fire Protection Mech Tech Team has made the following changes:
Added 331100 Water Distribution Piping reference to 1.1.B Related Sections
Updated 2.1.B High Purity Water Ball Valve Description
Removed Jomar Ball Valve from 2.3.B
Added Pratt High Performance Butterfly Valve to 2.4.B
MS 235716 Steam-To-Water Heat Exchangers– November 3, 2022
Revised high temperature/high pressure gasket from Flexitallic to ElastaGraph
October 2022
Technical Sections
Master Specifications
233300 Air Duct Accessories & RGDs – October 24, 2022
Revised embedded hyperlink to correct inactive link.
MS 238245 Chilled Beams – October 13, 2022
MS 220516 Pipe Expansion Joints – October 12, 2022
Added Hose Master LLC to 2.1.B For Bellows Joints
Standard Details and Schedules
Bike Racks – Various Surfaces – October 6, 2022
The name and contact info for the manufacturer of the bike hoops was updated.
September 2022
Master Specifications
MS 283100 – Fire Detection and Alarm System – September 21, 2022
The revisions include:
Wherever MOSCAD alarm transmitter is mentioned within the specification, it has been revised to “…MOSCAD or MC-Edge RTU…”
Over the past few years, the analog radio system has transitioned to a digital radio system – the backbone of this digital system has been completed. The old analog MOSCAD RTUs still communicate to our radio system with important communications, but our UM Radio Shop has been steadily replacing MOSCAD RTUs with MC-Edge RTUs. The MC-Edge RTUs support digital communications and other modern features. The Life Safety Communications team, consisting of many units across F&O and Hospital/Health, are aware of and endorse the MC-Edge transition.
Standard Details and Schedules
28160015 – MC-Edge RTU Electrical Detail – September 21, 2022
The revisions include:
Renamed from “28160015 – Moscad Rtu Electrical Detail” to “28160015 – MC-Edge RTU Electrical Detail”.
Over the past few years, the analog radio system has transitioned to a digital radio system – the backbone of this digital system has been completed. The old analog MOSCAD RTUs still communicate to our radio system with important communications, but our UM Radio Shop has been steadily replacing MOSCAD RTUs with MC-Edge RTUs. The MC-Edge RTUs support digital communications and other modern features. The Life Safety Communications team, consisting of many units across F&O and Hospital/Health, are aware of and endorse the MC-Edge transition.
Technical Sections
DG 230012 Air Filters – September 19, 2022
1. changed efficiency metric from dust spot efficiency to MERV ratings exclusively.
2. changed secondary filter efficiency requirement from MERV 11 to MERV 13
3. Deleted ring panel filters for the vivarium animal room exhaust applications
DG 230013 Air Handling Units – September 19, 2022
1. Added coil pumping guidelines for hot water heating coils
2. Added coil pumping guidelines for chilled water cooling coils
August 2022
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 235716 002 Water Cooled Chiller VSD Filter Manifold – August 3, 2022
July 2022
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
8.3 Mechanical PML – July 6, 2022
Revised acceptable manufacturers for lubricated plug valves
Master Specifications
MS 235150 Venting Systems For Specialty Gas Fired Appliances – July 25, 2022
MS 013220 Photographic Documentation – July 22, 2022
MS 231123 Facility Natural Gas Piping – July 6, 2022
Revised acceptable manufacturers for lubricated plug valves
- Exceed the energy code (ASHRAE 90.1-2013) by 20% for New Construction and 15% for Major Renovation projects over $10M construction cost. This will replace the current requirement that requires project to exceed the energy code on a “project-by-project basis.”
- Include a new mandatory energy conservation measure that will require projects to meet prescriptive envelope requirements as indicated in the energy code. Although projects typically meet or exceed the prescriptive envelope requirements projects may choose to use trade-offs related to the mechanical and/or electrical systems.
- Include a new mandatory energy conservation measure that will require projects to not exceed the window-to-wall ratio values included in the energy code.
June 2022
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Technical Committees, Committee Chairs and Email Addresses – June 29, 2022
Updated Mechanical HVAC Technical Committee Chair.
Master Specifications
MS235239 Fire Tube Boilers (Hot Water) – June 29, 2022
Project Procedures
Design Professional Cost Benchmarking Submission form – June 20, 2022
Updated the form from 2021 to 2022 and updated the instructions. The template is linked from 2.5 Project Estimates.
Special Building Areas
SBA 5.18 Conference Rooms – June 13, 2022
New. Written in coordination with ITS
Technical Sections
273524 Cellular Phone Signal Reinforcement System (CPCRS) – June 13, 2022
DG 101400 Signage – June 13, 2022
Updated to include
1. Digital Signage Guidelines
2. Specific Required Signage for Emergency Lockdown Button
May 2022
Technical Sections
DG 102113 Toilet Compartments – May 31, 2022
We have updated the Design Guideline to clarify application for HDPE Toilet Partitions and the installation of coat hooks at an accessible height.
April 2022
Project Procedures
DG 2.5 Project Estimates – April 22, 2022
The spreadsheets linked from DG 2.5 Project Estimates, Estimate Uniformat2.xlsx and Estimate CSI 2012.xls have been updated.
Master Specifications
MS081113 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames – April 15, 2022
Updated the Acceptable Manufacturers listed in part 2.1.
Standard Details and Schedules
Master Detail 238245 001 Chilled Beams Piping Detail – April 2022
Master Detail 233660 020 Radiant Panel Piping Ceiling Mounted has been renamed to Master Detail 238245 001 Chilled Beams Piping Detail.
Revisions include:
Detail name change
Minor piping changes at the unit
NEW Equipment Schedule
March 2022
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – March 2, 2022
Changes include:
Date update from September 2021 to March 2022
Michigan Building Code Adoption by local rule added:
Article 509.1 General add the following Exception 2:
Exception 2: Incidental use for non-hazardous storage between 100 and 250 square feet in fully suppressed existing ambulatory care facilities and existing 1-2 occupancies, converted to non-hazardous storage rooms: with partitions capable of resisting the passage of smoke with a solid door which self-closes, and automatic sprinkler system.
Added under MIOSHA –
Transmitting or Broadcasting Antenna Installations
Transmitting antenna installations operating on any frequency between 300 kHz to 100 GHz must meet FCC radiofrequency (RF) occupational and general public emission limits. 47 CFR 1.1301 – 1.1320. The emission limits are specified in 47 CFR 1.1310. FCC licensees must be prepared to demonstrate compliance with those emission limits or will be required to submit environmental assessments for review and approval by the FCC. In addition, MIOSHA regulates worker exposure to RF radiation both with a specific standard and under its general duty clause. Michigan Administrative Code R325.60701 et seq and MCL 408.1011 of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154 of 197.
Addition of Buildings to the BFS Listing:
4171 Biological St Residence Hall
Modified University of Michigan Buildings that are Inpatient Health Care Facilities to University of Michigan Buildings that Contain Inpatient Health Care Facilities.
Added asterisk to buildings with compartmentalization of jurisdictions.
Fixed various links.
February 2022
Master Specifications
MS238200 Terminal Heating Units – Hot Water – February 9, 2022
January 2022
Project Procedures
DG 2.4.2 Document Standards & Methods for Electronic Document Submissions – January 31, 2022
Master Specifications
New Master Specification Sections: – January 24, 2022
MS037300 Tunnels Concrete Restoration
MS071025 Utility Tunnel Waterproofing
MS336200 QA/QC for Tunnel Projects
MS336313 Underground Steam and Condensate Distribution Piping
Technical Sections
DG 087100 Finish Hardware – January 14, 2022
The body of the design guidelines has very minimal content changes but is a substantial re-write to better organize the information and remove information that is duplicated in the access control or aluminum storefront DG sections.
The most substantial change is the addition of appendix A, which is a lock/exit device selection guide. Appendix B, the closer selection guide has also been discussed.
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Electrical PML 8.4 – January 12, 2022
Section 26110 Unit Substations
- For 15kV Metal Clad Switchgear, deleted Square D and added Park.
- For Substation Assemblers, deleted Siemens and added Park and Powell Industries.
Section 263300 Battery Equipment
- For Batteries, deleted C&D Technologies
Section 265100 Interior Lighting
- Updated the Gasser Bush contact info
Revised Committee Chairs – January 6, 2022
Revisions include:
Marwan Houry removed from Architectural Technical Committee – Co-Chairs. Jana Hayford is now the sole Chair for this Committee.
Design Guideline 3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – January 12, 2022
Updated to reflect the approved requirement LEED Silver mandate (as is indicated on the AEC website).
December 2021
Technical Sections
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Revised Committee Chairs – December 7, 2021
Revisions include:
Peg Helner-Peterson removed and Marwan Houry added to Architectural Technical Committee – Co-Chairs
For items 2, 3, and 4 (the three Mechanical Committees), the individuals listed are now both listed as Co-Chairs rather than Chair and Back-up.
DG 8.0 – PML Request Form – December 2, 2021
- Ask that form be addressed to Committee Chair or Co-Chairs
- Added note 3 that requester should submit marked up U-M applicable master specification section documenting compliance of product.
November 2021
DG 3.2 Energy and Water Conservation – November 17, 2021
Updated to correct a reference to an outdated DG number.
Standard Schedules and Details
Changes include:
- Minor Note changes
- Added Flex Connections at the Panel
Design Guideline 321723 Pavement Markings – Posted November 10, 2021
A new design guideline that puts in writing what the Civil group, in particular, has been practicing most recently on campus and pertains to temporary and permanent pavement markings in roads, surface parking lots, and parking structures. The guideline denotes conformance to MDOT standard specifications, Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD), and Master Painters Institute (MPI) Architectural Painting Specification Manual. The direction in the guideline takes into consideration industry norms in Ann Arbor, Metro Region, and the State of Michigan and also available materials and equipment of contractors who do pavement marking work. Implementation of the guideline is not expected to increase costs to the University. The Civil group will continue to monitor any changes in the industry and will update the guideline accordingly.
Special Building Areas
Special Building Areas 5.9 Tunnels – Posted November 10, 2021
Here is summary of changes:
- Revised Related Specification Sections.
- Defined Tunnel/Building Utility Ownership Delineation Points.
- Updated Utility distribution systems design pressures and temperatures.
- Revised PRV (pressure reducing valve) design requirements.
- Revised CRU (condensate return unit) design requirements.
- Added Utility metering design requirements.
- Revised discharge location of tunnel sump pumps.
October 2021
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
8.3 Mechanical PML – October 20, 2021
- Manufacturer Vulcan Radiator added for Panel Radiators, Convectors, Unit Heaters, and Cabinet Unit Heaters
- Manufacturer Markel added for Electric Cabinet Heaters, Electric Unit Heaters, and Electric Heating Coils
- Section 262726 Wiring Devices – Under Low Voltage, Stand-Alone Room Lighting Control Systems, the Hubbell NXRC Series has been added as an equivalent manufacturer.
- Section 281600 Security Systems – the hyperlink to the DPSS security camera website has been repaired.
Master Specifications
MS Division 01 – October 1, 2021
Section 017823 Operation and Maintenance Manuals updated to eliminate the requirement for paper O&Ms and require electronic (PDF) O&Ms.
The revisions include:
- Specification 262726 Wiring Devices, Section 2.2 – added the Hubbell NXRC Series as an equivalent to Low Voltage, Stand-Alone Room Lighting Control Systems.
September 2021
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – September 30, 2021
Changes include:
Updating jurisdiction on Building Code, Rehab Code, Residential Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, and Electrical Code to include EHS.
University of Michigan Environment, Health & Safety Department (EHS) and Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)
Adoption of the State of Michigan 2018 Plumbing Code effective Sept 15, 2021 with local rules. Additional local rules added below:
403.1.2 Single-user toilet and bathing room fixtures. The plumbing fixtures located in single-user toilet and bathing rooms, including family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms that are required by Section 1109.2.1 of the Michigan Building Code, shall contribute toward the total number of required plumbing fixtures for a building or tenant space. Single-user toilet and bathing rooms, and family or assisted-use toilet rooms and bathing rooms shall be identified as being available for use by all persons regardless of their sex. The total number of fixtures shall be permitted to be based on the required number of separate facilities or based on the aggregate of any combination of single-user or separate facilities.
403.2 Separate facilities.
Where plumbing fixtures are required, separate facilities shall be provided for each sex.
1. Separate facilities shall not be required for dwelling units and sleeping units.
2. Separate facilities shall not be required in structures or tenant spaces with a total occupant load, including both employees and customers, of 15 or fewer.
3. Separate facilities shall not be required in mercantile occupancies in which the maximum occupant load is 100 or fewer.
4. Separate facilities shall not be required in business occupancies in which the maximum occupant load is 25 or fewer.
5. Separate facilities shall not be required to be designated by sex where single-user toilet rooms are provided in accordance with Section 403.1.2. If more than one are required by plumbing calculations provide distribution of men, women and gender inclusive so restrooms are available within 500 feet of travel and traversing no more than one floor.
6. Separate facilities shall not be required where rooms having both water closets and lavatory fixtures are designed for the use by both sexes and privacy for water closets is provided in accordance with Section 405.3.4. Urinals shall be located in an area visually separated from the remainder of the facility or each urinal that is provided is located in a stall. Provide distribution of men, women, and gender inclusive so separate restrooms are available within 500 feet of travel and traversing no more than one floor.
Change all references to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
State of Michigan Underground Storage Tanks (UST) removed the word ground after underground and before the word storage.
Updated phone number: Replace EHS/EP3 contact phone # 734 936-1920, with 734 647-1143. Pages 15-25.
Buildings added to Instructional Space:
Buildings added to outpatient Surgery :
Buildings Removed from listing:
Project Procedures
2.8 Project Manual – September 9, 2021
Minor changes to wording (changed the term “shall” to “will”) and the revision date of the Standard General Condition’s to 8/21.
3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – September 2, 2021
Changes include:
DG requires Sustainability Summaries at the start of SD phase.
DG requires Sustainability Summaries for projects with a Construction Cost of over $10M.
Visual Displays are required at the completion of CD phase and updated at project completion
Minor updates to LEED Registration Document
Master Specifications
MS220719 Mechanical Systems Insulation – September 2, 2021
1.2.E.3 – added exception: 12″ of chilled beam piping at pipe condensate sensors.
MS224200 Plumbing Fixtures – September 2, 2021
2.3 B 5 – Added an approved manufacturer
2.4 C – Added an approved manufacturer
2.37 C 11 – Added an approved manufacturer
2.38 – Renumbered and added 3 new fixtures
MS221319 Drainage Specialties – September 2, 2021
2.1.A – Added an approved manufacturer.
2.2.C – Added an approved manufacturer.
2.2.D – Added an approved manufacturer.
2.2.E – Added an approved manufacturer.
2.3.C – Added an approved manufacturer.
2.5.F – Added Trap Seal.
2.5.G – Added Air Admittance Valve.
3.2.A – Removed hidden note.
MS220523 Valves – September 1, 2021
1.1B – Added Related sections.
1.2.A.9 – Added reference to Section 336300.
1.4 – Added Delivery Storage & Handling.
2.1 F – Removed utility tunnel spec, added reference to Section 336300 .
2.2.D – Moved chain wheel operator installation to Part 3.
2.2..J – Removed grooved connections.
2.3 B – Removed Grinnell.
2.5.B – Added Anvil (Manufacturer for Gruvlock)
2.7.B – Removed Utility Tunnel Gate (now in 330336).
2.8.B – Added Min. Pressure 200# WOG.
2.9.B – Added Min. Pressure 200# WOG.
2.9.C.3 – Removed Utility Tunnel Check Valve (now in 330336).
2.10.B – Removed Utility Tunnel Drain Valve (now in 330336).
2,11,B – Removed obsolete model name.
3.1 – Added Examination
3.2.B – Relocated chain wheel operator installation
3.4 – Removed steam condensate & domestic hot water installation (now in 330336).
Design Guidelines
DG220523 Valves – September 1, 2021
Added/Updated Related Sections
Added statement to refer to Section 336330 for steam and condensate valves used in the tunnel system.
Added statement to refer to Section 211313 for valves used in fire protection system.
August 2021
Master Specifications
MS028213 Asbestos Remediation – August 24, 2021
MS028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic – August 24, 2021
MS028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material – August 24, 2021
Updated the list of pre-qualified abatement firms as follows:
21st Century Salvage, Inc.
Adamo Demolition Company
Advanced Industrial Services, LLC
Asbestos Abatement, Inc.
Bierlein Companies, Inc.
Environmental Assurance Company, Inc.
North American Dismantling Corp
Pro-Tech Environmental & Construction, Inc
Trust Thermal Abatement, Inc
BDS Environmental
Midwest Environmental Inc.
July 2021
Standard Details and Schedules
New Mechanical Details – July 28, 2021
MD 238216 006 HWH Stacked Coil (pumped) | July 2021 | Microstation | AutoCAD | |||
MD 238216 007 HWH Single Coil (pumped) | July 2021 | Microstation | AutoCAD | |||
MD 238216 008 CWH Stacked Coil (pumped) | July 2021 | Microstation | AutoCAD | |||
MD 238216 009 CWH Single Coil (pumped) | July 2021 | Microstation | AutoCAD |
Special Building Areas
5.5 Custodial Support Space and Infrastructure – July 22, 2021 (Approved November 2020)
Significant updates and revisions in coordination with our Custodial Services Group
Technical Sections
DG 101400 Signage – July 19, 2021
Appendix A was updated for new 6″ icon for gender inclusive. Per plumbing code the icon needs to be 6″ high.
Project Procedures
DG 2.1 Owner’s Project Requirements and Basis of Design Documents – July 12, 2021
- DG requires Room Data Sheets to be updated in its entirety through DD phase while select sections are to be updated through As-Builts.
- Room Data Sheet template has been updated to indicate what areas are to be updated beyond the DD phase.
Master Specifications
June 2021
Master Specifications
MS230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – June 17, 2021
MS230901 Mechanical Systems Controls TURNKEY
MS230910 VAV Combo Sash Lab Controls-DDC
Revised to include Change of Value requirements for data sharing. The COVs match those recently included in the revised 230905 Hospital Mechanical Systems Controls master spec.
230901 “Turnkey” now includes a response time requirement for warranty issues.
MS235716 Steam-To-Water Heat Exchangers – June 10, 2021
Gasket material was updated.
May 2021
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
8.4 Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – May 24, 2021
- Under Section 283100, added i2G Systems as a qualified installer.
Master Specifications
281300 Access Control & Monitoring System – May 24, 2021
- Paragraph 1.4.B – Added i2G Systems as a qualified installer.
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – May 17, 20121
- Added Change of Value (COV) requirements for DDC controllers
- Modified control damper requirements
April 2021
Master Specifications
MS336330 Utility Tunnels – Steam & Condensate Distribution Systems – April 2, 2021
March 2021
Special Building Areas
SBA 5.6 Parking Structures – Update December 2020, Posted March 31, 2021
Complete rewrite. Revised outdated/obsolete codes and standards. Also energy efficient items such as LED lighting, occupancy sensors, etc. were added so it should reduce energy usage and cost.
Project Procedures
DG 2.2 Design Deliverables – March 17, 2021
- DG requires all new construction and addition projects over $10M Construction Cost to achieve a minimum of LEED Silver certification.
- This replaces the previous language that indicated projects would determine LEED certification requirements on a project-by-project basis.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – March 3, 2021
Livonia Surgery Center has been removed from the outpatient surgery building list and Brighton Surgery Center has been added (page 28).
February 2021
Standard Details and Schedules
New – February 16, 2021
MD 230900 005 Vivarium Non-Holding Room Control Drawing: A new standard control drawing for general vivarium non-holding rooms.
MD 230900 006 Vivarium Surgery Room Control Drawing: A new standard control drawing for vivarium surgery rooms.
MD 230900 007 Vivarium Cage Wash Room Control Drawing: A new standard control drawing for vivarium cage wash rooms.
Project Procedures
DG 2.2 Design Deliverables and DG 2.2.1 Pre-Design Deliverables – February 10, 2021
Corrections to links and minor text updates.
Master Specifications
MS263353 Static Uninterruptible Power Supply – February 2, 2021
The revision adds Eaton as an acceptable manufacturer.
January 2021
Standard Details and Schedules
Special Instructions to Designers
DG 4.7 Building Access Control – January 12, 2021
Major changes include:
Adds interconnected locking systems definition and required evaluation.
Minor other edits to bring the section up to date (abbreviations, terminology, existing system and panel requirements).
Master Specifications
MS220519 Thermometers and Pressure Gauges – January 25, 2021
Added requirement for a pressure gauge across strainers 2.5″ and larger, per the Steam and Hydronics MTT.
MS221113 Piping Materials and Methods – January 25, 2021
Strainer requirements were revised.
December 2020
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 233660 008 Up-Feed Hot Water Fin-Tube Piping – December 9, 2020
MD 233660 012 Down-Feed Hot Water Fin-Tube Piping – December 9, 2020
Master Specifications
220533 Heat Tracing for Piping – December 9, 2020
We have added Nelson Heat Trace as a Preferred Manufacturer.
- Adds product information for the lockdown button
- Adds editor notes regarding DSM and RTE
- Updates terminology to match current standards
- Removes local power supply information for EL-exit devices (replaced by QEL which do not require local power supply)
November 2020
Master Specifications
Technical Sections
230900 Mechanical Systems Control – November 6, 2020
Summary of Changes: Updated to explain changes to the recently revised master spec 230900, added requirements for Sequences of Operation, require instruments to have a unique tag number, explain laboratory controls covered by MS 230900, require use of U-M control symbols, explain MS 230901, red/blue box, data acquisition panels, transition from LPIs to HMIs, that central campus field level network is MS/TP, and misc. other updates.
October 2020
Preferred Manufacturer’s Lists
The revisions include:
- Pages 2-13 – numerous manufacturer name revisions. A number of companies have been sold, acquired, rebranded. I did not add any new entities. I deleted a few entities that either no longer exist or were entirely absorbed/rebranded by another company.
- Page 13 – Per previous internal discussions, I have added a new ERRC sub-heading titled “Bi-Directional Amplifiers”. I’ve added ADRF, CommScope, and Westell.
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 230900 001 Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Detail – October 28, 2020
Pressure gauges have been added for high and low pressure lines, instead of one gauge for both lines, 3/8″ flare fittings have been added directly before the H/L the differential pressure transmitter ports, and language has been altered slightly.
MD 230900 002 DDC Panel Assembly – October 15, 2020
HMI added to auxiliary panel, “Mechanical Systems Control Contractor” to furnish and install that which was once furnished by the “Temperature Controls Contractor,” dedicated electrical wiring changed to dashed lines, the following text describing the DDC panel was removed: “TCC pulls wires to DDC panel” & “U-M terminates in DDC panel,” the following text was added to describe the LPI panel “(when used),” The Electrical Contractor’s role was removed from the detail.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – October 15, 2020
Updated 2014 date to 2017 error in document.
The following regulations take precedence over conflicting requirements in the Michigan Building Code:
State of Michigan Electrical Code incorporating “NFPA 70 –National Electrical Code”, 2017 edition with University of Michigan modifications.
September 2020
DG 3.2 Energy and Water Conservation and DG 3.2.3 Energy Impact Statement – September 28, 2020
The documents have been revised as follows:
- Energy Impact Statement required for projects with a construction cost over $2M (in lieu for being required only for projects over $10M).
- Units within DG 3.2.3 have been corrected
- Unit definitions have been added to DG 3.2.3.
Technical Sections
334443 Vortex-Type Hydrodynamic Separators – September 24, 2020
New – DG334443 pertains to designing and specifying vortex-type hydrodynamic separators for storm water treatment. Vortex-type hydrodynamic separators are most suitable for use as a treatment device in constrained storm water retrofit or ultra-urban settings and in areas with a high potential for spills, provided the specified unit is capable of capturing and containing floatable materials, such as oils and fuel. Note that these units are not intended for regulatory secondary containment, but rather, capturing contaminants in runoff from incidental small spills and drips.
Master Specifications
MS237213 Rotary Air to Air Energy Recovery Wheels – September 24, 2020
Revised notes to spec editor for Part 2.2, B, Paragraph 5, regarding purge cycle to include all applicable AHU fans be oversized to accommodate and that for high risk applications such as hospital and lab general exhaust a purge angle should be set.
MS 230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – September 21, 2020
Major update by Controls Ad Hoc team, too extensive to describe all changes. Highlights: Contractor will now do all wiring terminations including inside the DDC panel. DDC shop will now do lab controller programming. Flat panel display replaces LPIs (most cases). Improved network design requirements. Controller specifications categorized by BACnet definitions and fully described. Lab DPT spec.s added. Fontanesi and Kann added as approved controls contractor. Improved various instrument spec.s. Limited floating point actuators to VAV box reheat coils and VAV RH w/fin tube. Permit ball valves for control valves 3/4″ or less (expanding use of ball valves). Improved wiring and training requirements. VAV box 24VAC power and FLN wiring allowed in the same conduit. Added tuning requirements. Rearranged spec. to make things easier to find.
MS 230901 Mechanical Systems Controls TURNKEY – September 21, 2020
This is a new master specification for “turnkey” controls. It is a duplicate on 230900 except the contractor’s work scope is expanded to perform all control work, except for some limited parts which would still be performed by UM DDC. It is designed to allow an Alternate “turnkey” bid to be obtained, and incorporates “lessons learned” from recent turnkey projects. It should only be used with an understanding of its contents and after careful consideration by the project team.
NEW specifications to the AEC web site, 7.3 Electrical: – September 15, 2020
263323 Central Battery Inverters – this specification was developed by an ad hoc committee with representatives from AE, Cx, FM, and Michigan Medicine. These systems are generally intended as an emergency lighting power source. It is an alternative to emergency generator or individual battery strategies.
263353 Static UPS – this specification was developed by an ad hoc committee with representatives from AE, Cx, FM, and Michigan Medicine. These systems are generally intended as battery back-up for non life safety equipment.
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 230900 003 Mechcanical Control Symbols – September 2, 2020
The changes are as follows:
Terminal Air Units have been removed
Added Airflow Station symbol
Added Condensate Sensor symbol
Acronyms have been added for the following:
ATTD – Airflow Transmitter Thermal Dispersion
RTC – Room Temperature Controller
RTC-F – Room Temperature Controller Fan
CS – Condensate Sensor
F.I.P. – Fail In Place
N.O. – Normally Open
N.C. – Normally Closed
MD 230900 004 Mechanical Controls Blocks – September 2, 2020
A new standard detail for mechanical controls blocks including Chilled Beams (CB), Cabinet Unit Heaters (CUH), Fan Coil Units (FCU), Terminal Air Units (TAU), and Unit Heaters (UH).
August 2020
Master Specifications
MS 230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – September 21, 2020
Major update by Controls Ad Hoc team, too extensive to describe all changes. Highlights: Contractor will now do all wiring terminations including inside the DDC panel. DDC shop will now do lab controller programming. Flat panel display replaces LPIs (most cases). Improved network design requirements. Controller specifications categorized by BACnet definitions and fully described. Lab DPT spec.s added. Fontanesi and Kann added as approved controls contractor. Improved various instrument spec.s. Limited floating point actuators to VAV box reheat coils and VAV RH w/fin tube. Permit ball valves for control valves 3/4″ or less (expanding use of ball valves). Improved wiring and training requirements. VAV box 24VAC power and FLN wiring allowed in the same conduit. Added tuning requirements. Rearranged spec. to make things easier to find.
MS 230901 Mechanical Systems Controls TURNKEY– September 21, 2020
This is a new master specification for “turnkey” controls. It is a duplicate on 230900 except the contractor’s work scope is expanded to perform all control work, except for some limited parts which would still be performed by UM DDC. It is designed to allow an Alternate “turnkey” bid to be obtained, and incorporates “lessons learned” from recent turnkey projects. It should only be used with an understanding of its contents and after careful consideration by the project team.
Changes include deleting Honeywell as an acceptable mechanical system controls contractor and updating the BACnet controller performance table.
MS237323 Custom Air Handling Units – August 12, 2020
– Manufacturer changed name from Governair to Nortek Air Solutions – Governair Division
– Manufacturer changed name from Ventrol to Nortek Air Solutions – Ventrol Division
MS237324 Semi-custom Air Handling Units – August 12, 2020
– Manufacturer changed name from Governair to Nortek Air Solutions – Governair Division
– Manufacturer changed name from Ventrol to Nortek Air Solutions – Ventrol Division
– Manufacturer changed name from McQuay to Daikin Applied
MS238220 Horizontal Fan Coil Units – August 12, 2020
– Manufacturer changed name from McQuay to Daikin Applied
MS238221 Blower Coil Units – August 12, 2020
– Manufacturer changed name from McQuay to Daikin Applied
MS238216 Coils and Drain Pans – August 12, 2020
– Manufacturer changed name from McQuay to Daikin Applied
– Removed depressed in floor drain pan option
Standard Details and Schedules
The revision includes the elimination of the second bonding point at the neutral bar in the panelboard. This is to show a code compliant single bonding point.
In November 2019, an ad hoc electrical committee, composed of various delegates across FO and Michigan Medicine FPD, completed and issued a revised Specification 262726 Wiring Devices. The revisions included new 0-10V Low Voltage Lighting Control specifications, to ensure that newly installed lighting controls were compliant with the latest building and energy codes.
As a supplement to the November 2019 specifications, details enumerated 26272601 through 26272607 with PDF, DWG, and DGN versions of each have been posted. Each detail gives guidance to a common 0-10V lighting control scenario. Although the details are wide-ranging, they are intended to be modified to be project specific.
In addition, it was noticed that existing detail “26272603 Ceiling Mounted Receptacle Detail” as posted on the AEC website was out-of-date and was removed.
July 2020
Special Building Areas
- Link to Michigan Medicine section
- Link to Signage DG which contains standard lactation pictogram
- Added requirements for finishes, wifi coverage, signage, and temperature control.
- Added desirable features: acoustic separation, electronic room scheduling unit
- Clarified ADA requirements
Master Specifications
230593 – Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) – July 21, 2020
Added Aerodynamics Inspecting Co. as approved TAB Contractor.
264313 Surge Protection for Low-Voltage Electrical Power Circuits – July 17, 2020
New. Although general University appetite for surge protection devices is low at this time, these devices are code-required in certain instances, such as life safety power distribution. This specification will allow designers and builders to more readily understand UM preferences for these devices, creating consistency and minimizing maintenance nuisance. An ad hoc committee with representation from AEC, EHS, and Michigan Medicine FPD developed and approved this specification.
Technical Sections
DG 017329 Roofing Materials Cutting and Patching – July 15, 2020
Changed OSEH to EHS and updated footer.
Special Instructions toDesigners
4.6 Utilities for University Buildings – July 1, 2020
Revised the available pressure of low pressure steam to a range due to the CPP recently increasing the steam pressure to the tunnel system. Removed compressed air dew point, revised DHW temperature to 125 deg. F per CPP. Revised May 2020, posted July 1, 2020.
June 2020
Technical Sections
DG 075000 Roofing Systems and Accessories – June 25, 2020
A few minor tweaks were made and a roof detail that was no longer applicable was removed.
DG220719 Mechanical Insulation – June 22, 2020
A complete re-write. There were a number of requirements in the Design Guideline that should have been in the Master Specification. We moved those into the MS 220719 – MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INSULATION. The Design Guideline now requires outside Architect/Engineers to use the U-M Masterspec. Revised March 2019, Posted June 2020.
Master Specifications
Architectural Specifications – June 3, 2020
The following sections have been removed. They are no longer internally maintained.
042000 UNIT MASONRY (full section)
088000 GLAZING (exterior)
101400 Signage
102213 Wire Mesh Partitions
102239 Folding Panel Partitions
105113 Metal Lockers
115213 Projection Screens
115300 Laboratory Equipment
124600 Furnishing Accessories
124813 Entrance Floor mats and Frames
May 2020
Technical Sections
Updated University Forester to Campus Forester and removed a link to another design guideline within the text. Added link to Temporary Tree and Plant Protection in division one of the master specification.
Special Building Areas
SBA 5.10 Gender Inclusive Rooms – May 7, 2020
Standard Details and Schedules
MD 230900 003 Mechanical Controls Symbols – May 4, 2020
A new standard detail for mechanical controls symbols.
April 2020
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – April 6, 2020
Significant Changes are as follows:
Michigan Building Code 2015 added definition for Higher Educational Laboratories and Section 428 Higher Educational Laboratories requirements with related table.
Updated from 2007 to 2018 The Health Facilities Engineering Section (HFES) Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) 2018 edition of Guidelines for Design & Construction of Hospitals; Outpatient Facilities; and Residential Health Care and Support Facilities in Michigan. Including all the included referenced codes and standards as listed within these rules, including but not limited to NFPA 99, NFPA 101, and other NFPA and ASHRAE standards.
March 2020
Master Specifications
Specification 262726 Wiring Devices – March 27,2020
The Interdepartmental Electrical Team discussed and approved the following revision on March 11:
Paragraph 2.3.A – revised Pass & Seymour 5362A to Pass & Seymour 5362.
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – March 26, 2020
The Interdepartmental Electrical Team approved the following revisions:
Section 260533 – Electrical Materials and Methods – Structural Support Materials: G-Strut has been added as an approved manufacturer.
Section 273523 – Emergency Responder Radio Coverage: RF Connect was added as an approved service provider.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – March 2, 2020
Michigan Building Code 2015 Chapter 35 Referenced Standards ICC Standard Reference Number ICC A117.1 – 2017 Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities – Effective March 1, 2020 adopted 2017 version in lieu of 2009.
Michigan Residential Code 2015 Chapter 44 Referenced Standards ICC Standard Reference Number ICC/ANSI A117.1 – 2017 Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities – Effective March 1, 2020 adopted 2017 version in lieu of 2009.
University of Michigan Buildings That Contain Instruction Space changed 5128 from a compartment to entire building being BFS.
February 2020
Standard Details and Schedules
City of Ann Arbor Utility Material Requirements (note that U-M material requirements meet or exceed City requirements) – February 25, 2020
Purpose: New web link added with City of Ann Arbor utility material requirements for water, sewer/drainage, and Aggregates/backfill material.
Project Procedures
2.2 Design Deliverables, 2.2.1 Pre-Design Deliverables, 2.4 Document Standards And Procedures For Project Deliverables -February 14,2020
Pre Design Deliverables and Design Deliverables have many modifications, each change has been highlighted in yellow. A majority of the changes are site and utility related.
Master Specifications
MS220514 Variable Frequency Drives – February 21, 2020
Reformatted Part 2 content for better clarity.
Removed repetitive language.
Modified VFD control option requirements.
MS281300 Access Control & Monitoring System – February 7, 2020
- 1.4.B.3 – Revised “SimplexGrinnell” to “JCI”. Simplex was acquired by Johnson Controls.
- 2.1.A.1 and 3.3.A – Revised “Software House C-Cure 800” to “Software House C-Cure 9000”. 9000 is the current version of our access control database.
Technical Sections
DG 102800 Toilet Accessories – February 13, 2020
Changes include updates to Toilet accessories.
Images include the new layout for toilet paper dispensers (code required) that are currently being installed.
Full length mirrors and hooks for backpacks have been added based on student requests.
Emergency Responder Radio Coverage – 6.3 DG 273523 – February 3, 2020
- Clarified requirements for renovation projects.
- Clarified requirements for system survivability.
- Added registration requirements.
- Added requirement for UL listing.
- Added restriction for combining system with cell phone signal reinforcement systems.
- Added system requirements for channelized amplifiers.
- Clarified requirements and acceptable cable types for serving individual antennas and donor antennas.
- Clarified fire alarm supervisory signal requirements.
- Updated specification requirements.
- Updated testing requirements.
January 2020
Master Specifications
December 2019
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Design Guideline 8.4 – Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – December 9, 2019
Minor revisions include:
- 260513 Type MC Cables (600 Volts) – Added Northern Cable Incorporated as an approved equivalent (by the Interdepartmental Electrical Team)
- 273523 Emergency Responder Radio Coverage – Deleted Advance Wireless Telecommunications (out-of-business)
Standard Schedules and Details
MD 236500 004 Cooling Tower Schematic – New – December 19, 2019
MD 232513 002 Closed System Makeup – December 5, 2019
Replaced as incorrect detail was posted.
November 2019
Modifications to the Codes and Regulatory Agency Design Guideline are as follows:
Michigan Building Code:
- Added Chapter 11 Section 1105 article 1105.1: Accessible Public Exterior Entrances. All public exterior entrances provided in accordance with code must have at least one entrance door complying with Section 404.3 (Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors and Gates) of the ABAAS. Where an accessible public entrance has a vestibule with exterior and interior entrance doors, at least one exterior door and one interior door must comply with Section 404.3
Michigan Rehabilitation Code:
- Added Chapter 7 Section 705 Article 705.2: When exterior accessible entrances are altered by level 1 or higher alterations/renovations where not already existing provide at that public entrance at least one entrance door complying with Section 404.3 (Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors and Gates) of the ABAAS. Where an accessible public entrance has a vestibule with exterior and interior entrance doors, at least one exterior door and one interior door must comply with Section 404.3
List of Building that Contain Instructional Space:
- Removed 0196 – NORTH HALL
- Changed 5235 – SOUTH HALL to JEFFRIES HALL
Master Specifications
Section 262726 – WIRING DEVICES – November 18, 2019
- 1.3 – added lighting control sequence of operations as a submittal requirement.
- 2.1 – reorganized line voltage lighting controls under one subsection, moving 120/277V Light Switches, Dimmers, and Occupancy Sensors to this subsection.
- 2.2 – created a new subsection titled “Low Voltage, Stand-Alone Room Lighting Control Systems” and added subsequent 0-10 volt devices such as room controllers, switches, sensors.
- 3.1.M – updated occupancy sensor settings, to correspond with ASHRAE 90.1-2013 energy code.
Note – the “Low Voltage, Stand-Alone Lighting Control Systems” specification update is the second of three updates, with the PML update having already been completed. A subsequent Design Guideline update is anticipated in the next few months. These updates originate from a special UM Lighting Controls Committee, which has been defining system parameters and making product evaluations since September 2018. The UM Lighting Controls Committee was a collaboration of AEC, Facilities Maintenance, FPD, OCS, DDC Shop, and others.
235716 Steam-To-Water Heat Exchangers – November 13, 2019
We have added Thrush Steam to Water HX as a Preferred Manufacturer.
Standard Details and Schedules
Relocated isolation valve on Steam Control Valve Station so that each pair of control valves can be separately isolated.
October 2019
Project Procedures
DG 2.4 Document Standards – October 17, 2019
Updated DWG and DGN files linked on first page to indicate “Exit Discharge ” in lieu is just “Exit” on the graphic legend.
Technical Design Guidelines
101400 Signage – October 1, 2019
Updated restroom/locker room signage graphics.
September 2019
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
- Section 262726 – WIRING DEVICES
- Created a new subsection titled “Line Voltage Lighting Controls” and moved 120/277V Light Switches, Dimmers, and Occupancy Sensors to this subsection.
- Created a new subsection titled “Low Voltage, Stand-Alone Room Lighting Control Systems” and added subsequent narrative and approved manufacturers.
- Added CME Wire and Cable as an approved manufacturer. The Interdepartmental Electrical Team had previously approved this manufacturer as ABC Wire, but we failed to update the PML in a timely fashion. CME Wire and Cable recently acquired ABC Wire and renamed. The previously approved product is the same.
3.1 Sustainable Design and 3.2 Energy and Water Conservation – September 5, 2019
Revised to indicate that AEC requirements are in line with the U-M Sustainability goals and carbon neutrality initiative.
Master Specifications
MS224200 Plumbing Fixtures – September 4, 2019
Updated Manufacturers and Model Numbers.
August 2019
Design Guidelines
DG230050 Chilled Water Systems – August 7, 2019
Changes: The Hydronics MTT clarified cooling tower heat trace and header clean-out requirements.
Master Specifications
MS220719 Mechanical Systems Insulation – August 1, 2019
- Simplified/Clarified Applications
- Updated to ASHRAE 90.1 2013
MS028110 Regulated Construction Waste Remediation – August 1, 2019
- Updated ‘EHS – Hazardous Materials’ group to be Environment, Health and Safety Department – Hazardous Materials Management Program / EHS-HMM.
- Added note regarding disassembly of exit signs (do not disassemble).
July 2019
Master Specifications
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – July 24, 2019
Changes are minor, changed the UPS model #’s.
Special Instructions to Designers
DG 4.9 Bird Collision Deterrence – July 24, 2019
Standard Details and Schedules
Section 220020 High Purity Water Systems – July 25, 2019
Added back to Standard Details and Schedules
Civil Notes
Reason/Modification: Edits to reflect City of Ann Arbor review comments and added a separate section for City of Ann Arbor General Notes. – July 18, 2019
Edit to reflect a slight change in manhole covers and in wording based on City plan review comments. – July 23, 2019
May 2019
DG 3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – May 29, 2019
Revised LEED requirement. New construction projects with a construction cost of $10M or more are required to obtain LEED Silver certification.
Master Specifications
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – May 17, 2019
Added combination room temp & humidity sensor, revised ball valve actuators to modulating type, misc. minor improvements.
230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – May 8, 2019
Added combination room temp and humidity sensor. Added Room Temperature Controller (“RTC”). Revised Room Temperature Controller for fan coils (“RTC-F”). Revised ball valve actuators to modulating type. Added FLN and BLN wire colors. Misc. minor improvements. As approved by the HVAC MTT.
May 30, 2019
Revised Room Temperature Controller for fan coils (“RTC-F”, Article 2.5)
to cover ECM fan applications (minor update to May 8, 2019 revision).
April 2019
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – April 22, 2019
- Removed under exception 907.5.2.3 exception 4 the words “other than Group I occupancies and ambulatory care,” and added “all occupancies”.
- Removed reference to Ashrae/Ashe Standard 170 since this is referenced in the mechanical code and provides the version to use.
- Added to classroom list 5413 TROTTER MULTICULTURAL CENTER*
Technical Sections
6.3 DG-261000 Medium Voltage Electrical Distribution – April 22, 2019
- Replaced ‘Utilities Plant Engineering’ with ‘U-M Primary Systems Engineer’.
- Clarified requirements for fire pump power sources.
- Extended time span basis for determining reliability of power sources.
- Included provision for installing double ended unit substations with main-tie-tie-main breaker arrangement.
DG 101400 Signage update to add appendix C Evacuation Assistance signage – April 19, 2019
Appendix C Evacuation Assistance Signage – new – April 19, 2019
DG 140000 Conveying Systems – added reference to DG 101400 Signage – April 19, 2019
Special Building Areas
Tunnel Access/Use Protocols and Work Rules linked from SBA 5.9 Tunnels – April 19, 2019
Updated contact information.
Project Procedures
DG 2.4 Document Standards and Procedures for Project Deliverables – April 18, 2019
We have added a new segment, Life Safety Plans, to the DG 2.4 Document Standards and Procedures For Project Deliverables. The University is requesting Design teams use a specific set of standard linetypes to define smoke rated and fire rated partitions. This will provide consistency in documenting fire rated partitions, smoke rated partitions etc. for future information. We are also requesting specific items regarding occupancy types and egress designations on the life safety plans. The goal is consistency from project to project. In addition the life safety plan contains information that will be helpful in understanding the design intent of the project when renovations are considered in the future.
March 2019
Preferred Manufacturers List
Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – March 25, 2019
- Under Section 262000 Low Voltage Electrical Distribution and 262900 Motor Controls, deleted General Electric as a preferred manufacturer within a number of subsections.
- Under Section 262726 Wiring Devices, added a notation that instructs designers not to specify modular receptacles and switches.
- Under Section 265100 Interior Lighting, updated the current lighting representative at Michigan Lighting East to Mike Marlow.
Master Specifications
262000 Low Voltage Electrical Distribution – March 21, 2019
Specification 262000, Paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 – Per a meeting on March 13th, the Interdepartmental Electrical Team voted to remove General Electric from our electrical specifications due to product performance and non-responsiveness. The specifications retain 3 or more qualified manufacturers for each affected paragraph.
MS233100 HVAC Ducts and Casings : Added Peppertree Air Solutions to Acceptable manufacturers for Flexible Nonmetallic Duct.
MS233400 Fans : Added Cook Hi-Plume to Acceptable manufacturers for High-Plume Induction Type Lab Fans.
MS237323 Custom Air Handling Units : Added ClimateCraft to Acceptable manufacturers for Custom Air Handling Units.
3.5 Waste, Recycling, and Compost – March 11, 2019
February 2019
Master Specifications
232513 – Chemical Water Treatment – Closed Loop Systems and 232516 – Chemical Water Treatment – Open Loop Systems – February 28, 2019
Change: Crown Solutions changed to Veolia Water, new corporate name.
6.3 DG 260543 – Underground Services For Electrical Systems – February 18, 2019
- Updated formatting.
- Combined multiple sections for duct banks into one section.
- Combined multiple sections for manholes into one section.
- Expanded ‘Related Sections’ section.
- Added summarized ‘Design Requirements’ section
- Revised description of 350 MCM cable to 350 kcmil.
- Revise height requirement for telecom manholes from 6′-6 to 7′-0 to agree with standard detail.
- Clarified bending radius requirements for underground duct banks.
- Update ‘Utilities and Plant Engineering Department’ to ‘Primary Systems Engineer’
- Removed redundant specification of rigid galvanized conduit that is also covered in design guideline 260533.
- Deleted telephone number for UM Code Inspection Department.
February 13, 2019 – Revised the verbiage on the Design Guideline landing page and on “2.7 Effective Date” landing page.
January 2019
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – Effective January 22, 2019
State of Michigan Electrical Code 2017 Part 8 Electrical Code Rules (Adopted January 22, 2019) (Incorporating NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (2017 Edition) and Michigan Amendments) promulgated by State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes.
By local rule the following exceptions/modifications are applied to the Michigan Electrical Code:
Michigan Electrical Code Article 80: Article 80 of the Michigan Electrical Code applies with the following exceptions/modifications:
- 80.15 Electrical Board: Modify “electrical board” to “UM Building Code Committee”.
- 80.19 Permits: Strike section 80.19.
- 80.23(B) Penalties: Strike section 80.23(B)
- 80.25 Connection to Electrical Supply: Modify language to read as follows:
- “80.25. Connection to electricity supply. Connections to the electric supply shall
conform to the following: It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to make connection to a supply of electricity or to supply electricity to any electrical equipment installation for which permission from UM Electrical Utilities Engineering Group is required or that has been disconnected or ordered to be disconnected.”
NEC 2017 Sections 700.32 and 701.27: The University may deviate from full selectivity (overcurrent protective device coordination within the emergency generator distribution system) in order to lower arc-flash energy levels for worker safety. All such deviations from full selectivity will be designed by, and reviewed by, registered professional engineers.
Enforcing Agency —University of Michigan Architecture, Engineering and Construction.
Web site for Part 8:
University of Michigan Buildings
That Contain Instructional Space
Modified “5266 NORTH CAMPUS RESEARCH COMPLEX BLDG 35 (Auditorium & Lobby)*” to read: “5266 NORTH CAMPUS RESEARCH COMPLEX BLDG 32 (Auditorium & Lobby)*”
Standard Details
26052607 – Ground Bus Detail Telcom – January 18, 2019
ITS requested updated to comply with ANSI/TIA-507-B standards.
Preferred Manufacturer’s Lists
8.4 Electrical PML – January 28, 2019
- Under Section 265100 Interior Lighting, updated the current lighting representative at Gasser Bush to Laura McRandall.
- Under Section 273523 Emergency Responder Radio Coverage, added Extreme Engineering and deleted RF Connect.
8.2 Architectural PML – January 9, 2019
Best 7 pin SFIC changed to Best Coremax 7 pin SFIC
Master Specifications
275313 Clock Systems – January 29, 2019
- Specification 275313, Paragraph 3.2.C – In lieu of the contractor installing the GPS signal transmitter, the transmitter shall be turned over to the UM Radio Shop. The Radio Shop has reported that campus is experiencing GPS signal saturation, creating numerous synchronization issues. It is believed that most new clock installations will be able to acquire an existing signal without having to add yet another transmitter. If not, then the Radio Shop will place the transmitter as needed.
281300 Access Control & Monitoring System – January 28, 2019
- 281300, Paragraph 2.2.A – Deleted Software House iStar Pro series and added iStar Ultra SE series (the Pro series has been discontinued by the manufacturer).
- 281300, Paragraph 2.2.F.1.b.1 – Deleted Securitron AQM20 series and added the AQS1216-16C2 series (the AQM20 series has been discontinued by the manufacturer).
- 281300, Paragraph 3.3.G – Added an installation note to provide a ground wire to the card reader.
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) – January 24, 2019
Modified requirements for HMI’s. Currently we recognize a couple different HMI types. This change looks to standardize all HMI use around one HMI type.
- Add condensation sensor, alarm indication station, occupancy counter.
- Part 3: Indicated that setpoints on documents are preliminary and must be finalized with the engineer and commissioning authority prior to programming.
- Added self calibration device requirements.
Specification 283100 Fire Detection and Alarm System – January 14, 2019
- 2.23.A.4 – Revised paragraph to comply with NFPA 72-2013, – notification strobes used for signaling other than fire shall not have the word fire. Two-strobed (amber and clear) systems are no longer required.
- 2.23.A.5, 2.23.A.6, 2.23.A.7 – deleted multiple references to amber strobes.
- change Isolator type from Mount 3 to None
- Add “base mounted” to All others
December 2018
Special Instructions to Designers
4.4.1 Landscape – December 14, 2018
Complete re-write.
Technical Sections
013639 Tree Preservation – December 14, 2018
Complete re-write.
328400 Irrigation – December 18, 2018
Complete re-write.
Master Specifications
230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – December 14, 2018
Division 1 General Requirements – December 14, 2018
- Section 011400 “Work Restrictions” – Tree protection requirements removed
- Section 015639 “Temporary Tree and Plan Protection” – section added to provide more detailed requirements for projects impacting trees and plants. The changes have been coordinated with civil engineering, grounds, and campus planning.
November 2018
Project Procedures
2.2.1 Pre-Design Deliverables – November 30, 2018
Renamed from 2.9 Pre-Design Deliverables and moved under 2.2 Design Deliverables to be easier to find.
Technical Sections
- Requirement that new CHW Systems be designed as variable primary.
- More specific requirements for sizing plants to avoid over-sizing.
- Discussion of what building types would typically be considered critical and non-critical applications, to determine appropriate level of chiller redundancy.
- Summary description of required chiller plant controls.
- Utility metering requirements.
Master Specifications
230930 Refrigerant Detection & Alarm – November 28, 2018
Revised to add Bacharach as approved, revised MSA model number, reduced accuracy requirements, and other minor changes, per the Hydronics MTT.
Specification 283100 Electronic Safety and Security -November 15, 2018
Paragraph 1.4.B.1 (page 4) – revised the Siemens contact to Chris Tingley
New 336100 Hydronic Utilities – November 12, 2018
A new specification section for underground hydronic utility piping. Currently only covers ductile iron piping for CHW. Includes expanded detail versus u.g. ductile iron for CHW previously found in MS 221113, however reflects typical practice at U-M ~ 10-15 years.
Revised 221113 Piping Materials & Methods – November 12, 2018
Removed the specification for u.g. ductile iron CHW piping, and referenced MS 336100.
26110001 – Single Ended Substation – November 1, 2018
26110002 – Double Ended Substation – November 1, 2018
Both details were updated listing requirements for using circuit breakers for the fire pump feeds instead of the direct taps formerly used.
2611003 Substation Fire Pump Disconnect – November 1, 2018
Removed as it is no longer used.
Added Section 235716 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger – November 15, 2018
Section 235716 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger | ||||||
MD 235716 001 Critical Steam to Water Heat Exchanger P & ID | February 2017 | Microstation | AutoCAD | |||
MD 235716 002 Non-Critical Steam to Water Heat Exchanger P & ID | February 2017 | Microstation | AutoCAD | |||
MD 235716 003 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger Piping Detail | February 2017 | Microstation | AutoCAD |
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
8.4 Electrical
Revision November 1, 2018
- 261100 Unit Substations
- Under Current Limiting Fuses, we updated the manufacturers to reflect on-going industry acquisitions.
- Under Circuit Breakers for 600V Class Switchgear and Switchboards, we updated the manufacturers to match the master specification.
- Under Transformers, we updated the manufacturers to match the master specification.
- Under Substation Assemblers, we updated the manufacturers to match the master specification. We also updated the contact information.
- 261100 Unit Substations
Revision November 15, 2018
“Section 281300 ACCESS CONTROL & MONITORING SYSTEMS” (page 13) – revised the Siemens contact to Chris Tingley
October 2018
Master Specifications
261100 Unit Substations – October 31, 2018
The revisions are:
- Paragraph 2.1.A (page 7 on the PDF with marks), 2.3.A (page 12), and 2.4 (page 15) – updated the acceptable manufacturers for assembly, transformers, and secondary distribution.
- Paragraph 2.4.D (page 15) – revised fire pump connections from bus taps to a dedicated vertical section with feeder breaker.
220523 Valves – October 16, 2018
Crane Flowseal MS has been removed and replaced with Crane ChemPharma & Energy.
September 2018
Master Specifications
- Section 015000: Screen fabric for construction fencing updated to current standard used on projects (Midwest Cover Inc., Construction 85, Color: Royal Blue.
Special Instructions to Designers
4.3.3 Full Construction-Phase Commissioning and 4.3.6 General Commissioning Procedures – September 25, 2018
Change: O&Ms and TAB reports are to be transmitted by the commissioner to the U-M Project Manager instead of to FIC. The U-M Project Manager will transmit these documents to FIC.
August 2018
Master Specifications
260533 Electrical Materials & Methods – August 28, 2018
Paragraph 2.2.B (page 6) – added wire basket manufacturers to spec that are currently on our PML. Also added new manufacturer Basor Electric (per review and approval of the Interdepartmental Electrical team).
211313 Wet and Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems – August 28, 2018
Incorporated Michigan Medicine specific requirements (anti-ligature heads and no sch. 10 sprinkler pipe allowed in Inpatient areas). Revised butterfly valve Victaulic model number to 705 (708 no longer available), added Giacomini as approved for fire pump test headers.
Standard Details and Schedules
Mechanical Details and Schedules – August 6, 2018
The Mechanical Details have been updated to the new 6 digit CSI number and we added detail name to the file name. Also added to file name is MD (Master Detail), SD (Standard Detail), MS (Master Schedule) SS (Standard Schedule). We have updated our look on the web page by sorting the details and schedules by CSI numbers.
July 2018
Special Instructions to Designers
4.4.2 Site Furnishing Standards Manual – July 30, 2018
Project Procedures
DG 2.5 Project Estimates form Design Professional Cost Benchmarking Submission – July 19, 2018
There were no substantive changes, we just improved the functionality of the form to provide more clarity.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – July 18, 2018
Technical Sections
6.3 DG 261100 – Unit Substations – July 17, 2018
- Removal of ‘UPE’ references
- Included rear clearance allowances for wall mounted ground bars.
- Clarified requirements for specifying primary fuse sizes.
- Added requirement for installing warning labels regarding possible backfeed on primary loop switches.
- Added requirements for installing fire pump feeder breakers.
- Added note requiring the designer, on a project by project basis, to verify if a ‘Main-Tie-Tie-Main’ arrangement is required.
- Deleted requirement for providing a DDC connection for transformer temperature monitoring system.
- Clarified requirement for specifying breaker settings that will limit arc flash incident energy levels.
Master Specifications
221113 Piping Materials & Methods – July 11, 2018
Changes: Revised strainer mesh sizes for water service to larger sizes.
June 2018
Special Instructions to Designers
4.3.4 Reduced Scope Construction Phase, 4.3.5 Commissioning Plan Procedure, 4.3.6 General Commissioning Procedures – June 26, 2018
The only revision was to add an additional person (Laura North) that the commissioner is to provide an electronic copy of the final Cx Plan and Cx report.
Project Procedures
2.8 Project Manual – June 25, 2018
Removed references to prevailing wage.
2.1 OPR and BOD (Owners Project Requirements and Basis of Design) – June 4, 2018
DG 2.1 has been revised as follows:
- Remove requirement for OPR/BOD revisions after Bid.
- Requires As-Built OPR/BOD documents at project conclusion.
- Minor content clarifications.
Technical Sections
- Updated energy conservation goal, below ASHRAE 90.1 (2013) baseline requirements, in agreement with DG 3.2 – Water and Energy Conservation.
- Clarified spaces and locations requiring egress lighting.
- Removed requirement for egress lighting to be continuously illuminated.
- Added control requirements for egress lighting that also serves as emergency lighting.
- Added requirement for interfacing egress lighting controls with the fire alarm system in BFS buildings.
- Removed compact fluorescent lamps and ballasts.
- Added lighting control schemes for typical building spaces.
- Expanded occupancy sensor requirements to include vacancy sensors.
Master Specifications
230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects) -June 28, 2018
Description of changes:
- Revisions to scope of work
- Added Onicon to flowmeter manuf
- New UPS requirements and installations
- Redefined room pressure monitors as HMI’s
- New HMI requirements and installations
- Changes to panel and point identification requirements
- Changes in demolition scope
232516 – Chemical Water Treatment – Open Loop Systems – June 27, 2018
Added Novatech and Advantage Controls as approved mfr.s for coupon racks, deleted Vector Industries (does not make racks). Improved rack description (open loop spec only).
233100 HVAC Ducts & Casings – June 18,2018
Ventcon added as approved for duct cleaning per the HVAC MTT.
Division 01 General Requirements – June 12, 2018
Updated the referenced article number in the section 011400 Work Restrictions, parking section for the new standard general conditions.
Standard Details
Straw Bale – June 1, 2018
Removed. Not an EHS approved SESC measure due to material deteriorating too quickly.
May 2018
Master Specifications
230900 Mechanical Systems Controls – May 17, 2018
Change: Onicon added as approved for electromagnetic flow meters per HVAC MTT.
Standard Details
26051301 – Aluminum Wire Terminations – May 9, 2018
Detail has been removed pending review.
April 2018
Standard Details
28130012 – Card Reader Pedestal Detail – April 30, 2018
The revision includes a grounding component that our UM key shop requested and is needed.
Master Specifications
Mechanical has completed a conversion of the mechanical preferred manufactures list (PML) to move all approved manufacturers off the PML and into the respective U-M master specification section. The only manufacturers left on the PML are for products for which we do not currently maintain a master specification. Going forward if a manufacturer is approved they will immediately be added to the respective master specification section. If no master specification exists, they will be added to the PML. This will result in a much shorter PML, among other benefits. – April 30, 2018
211313 Wet and Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems
220516 Pipe Expansion Joints
220523 Valves
220548 Vibration Control
221113 Piping Materials & Methods
221119 Domestic Water Piping Specialties
221500 Compressed Air Accessories
223116 Water Softener
224200 Plumbing Fixtures
231123 Facility Natural Gas Piping
232116 Hydronic Piping Specialties
232123 Plumbing and Hydronic Pumps
232300 Refrigerant Piping
233100 HVAC Ducts & Casings
233300 Air Duct Accessories & RGDs233400 Fans
235100 Breechings, Chimneys & Stacks238220 Horizontal Fan Coil Units
238413 Steam Humidifiers
235240 Fire Tube Boilers (Steam)
028213 Asbestos Remediation, 028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic and 028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material – April 24, 2018
The list of pre-qualified abatement firms has been updated as follows:
Added: Rand Environmental Services
Removed: Building Decommission Services, LLC and Omega Demolition Corporation
MS232123 Plumbing and Hydronic Pumps and MS220553 Mechanical Identification– April 23, 2018
The Hydronics Mech Tech Team has approved two Manufacturers, Patterson pumps (MS232123) and Delta Therm (Heat Trace, MS220533).
3.2 Energy and Water Conservation – April 23, 2018
DG 3.2 has been revised as follows:
Include reference to U-M DG 1.0 Codes and Regulatory Agencies
Removed reference to 90.1 Mandatory Requirements
Removed reference to Energy Cost Budget method
Updated link to the U-M Utilities Rate webpage
March 2018
Master Specifications
MS226313 Medical Gas Certification – March 23, 2018
Description of changes: Modified acceptable certifiers, deleted Pneumatic Medical, added Gassy Girl. Clarified certification report requirements.
DG088000 Glazing – March 9, 2018
DG 4.7 Building Access Control – March 9, 2018
February 2018
Master Specification – Civil
MS334100 – Storm Utility Drainage – February 7, 2018
New. Base civil specification for editing
January 2018
Master Specifications – Architectural
Modifications: Global Green Service Group has been added to the list of pre-qualified abatement firms
Master Specifications – Mechanical
MS220523 Valves – January 31, 2018
Change: The Jomar ball valve model number has been updated to reflect a new model number. The valve is the exact same valve as the previous model including materials. Jomar only changed the model number because the valve has additional listings.
Note that Jomar is the only de-zinc resistant brass alloy ball valve that is approved, other approved ball valves are bronze.
Standard Details – Civil
MDOT Sidewalk Ramp R028J – January 11, 2018
Posted the sidewalk ramp PDF instead of the MDOT reference on the Web for better clarity on UM ramp preferences.
Special Building Areas
5.5 Custodial Support Space and Infrastructure – January 4, 2018
Complete re-write.
Standard Details – Architectural
SBA 5.5 Proposed layout Custodial Room – January 4, 2018
SBA 5.5 Proposed layout Custodial Suite – January 4, 2018
Complete re-write.
December 2017
Project Procedures
Design Professional Cost Benchmarking Submission spreadsheet linked from DG2.5 Project Estimates – December 8, 2017
The form has been updated to include an area to provide the breakdown of GSF as new and/or renovated and the Project Data Sheets have been simplified.
Technical Sections
DG220553 Mechanical Identification and Painting – December 5, 2017
Master Specifications
- Added identification requirements for rated walls
- Added identification requirements for rated walls
- Added prohibition of products including isocyanate compound (used in some dry erase paints). Includes hidden text directing designers to include to coordination with EHS and specify requirements for mechanical local exhaust ventilation, air monitoring, respiratory protection, and adequate cure time before re-occupancy.
November 2017
Special Building Areas
DG 5.10 Gender Inclusive Rooms – November 27, 2017
Added the option to use room name “Gender Inclusive Restroom” on the room sign. This change is being proposed based on collaboration with the Spectrum Center and the Office of Institutional Equities.
Technical Sections
DG 101400 Signage – November 27, 2017
Updated appendix A to reflect the option noted above to name single occupant rooms as either the room type (e.g. Restroom, Locker Room, Shower Room) or include the description “Gender Inclusive” in addition to the room type (e.g Gender Inclusive Restroom, etc). There were no changes to the text of the written portion of the design guideline document.
DG 095100 Acoustical Ceilings – November 27, 2017
Changes include recommending metal vertical transitions that match ceiling grid.
Vertical application of acoustical ceiling tile is not allowed.
Master Specifications
MS087100 Door Hardware – November 8, 2017
- Model numbers added for oversize ADA thumbturns from all manufacturers
- Mechanical and standalone digital lockset model numbers updated to reflect product changes
- Access control lockset model numbers updated to include request to exit and integral door position switch
DG 3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – November 6, 2017
Revised LEED requirements and references to LEED version 2009
DG 3.2 Energy and Water Conservation – November 6, 2107
Revised energy code version, ASHRAE 90.1 stretch goal requirements and references to ASHRAE 90.1-2007+30
3.2.2 Energy and Water Conservation Report Format – Projects Over $10M – November 6, 2017
Revised to remove references to the previous ASHRAE 90.1-2007 +30 mandate
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – November 2, 2017
Michigan Building Code Section 907.5.2.3 Visual Alarms.
Add Exception 4. In other than Group I occupancies and ambulatory care, visual alarms are not required in the following:
a) Offices less than 200 square feet.
b) Closets and coat rooms.
c) Electrical closets.
d) Mechanical pipe chases.
e) Crawl Spaces.
f) Small restrooms with access inside classrooms.
g) Custodial closets.
h) Storage rooms less than 200 square feet.
i) Unoccupied spaces.
Michigan Building Code Chapter 13 Energy Efficiency – Michigan Energy Code Part 10a rules incorporating the ASHRAE 90.1 2013 effective October 25, 2017
Joint Commission requirements added MM Accreditation staff to review.
For Leased Health Care Facilities added website.
Replaced Radiation Safety Section with the following per EHS:
State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA–Radiation Safety Section / United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission All projects which include ionizing radiation-producing equipment or devices used for clinical or research use. All electronic equipment producing ionizing radiation must be registered with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs through EHS/Radiation Safety Service prior to initial use. Irradiators or other similar devices using or producing radioactive materials for clinical or research use will require licensing by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in advance. Approvals for registration or licensing may also require submitting shielding construction plans for prior approval by MIOSHA–Radiation Safety Section or the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission depending on the type of equipment used and nature of the facility. Contact EHS / Radiation Safety Service for assessment.
Added Buildings to BFS listing of classroom buildings as follows:
1651 Flint Harrison Parking Ramp *
5169 Biological Science Building
5266 NCRC 35 Auditorium/lobby *
5413 Trotter William Monroe Multicultural Center
Moved building 5102 from inpatient to outpatient
Changed the title of Ambulatory Surgery Centers to Hospital Outpatient Surgery Departments
October 2017
Preferred Manufacturers List
Special Instructions to Designers
4.3.6 General Commissioning Procedures – October 13, 2017
Minor editorial changes to sample reports at the end of the design guideline. There is no cost or technical impact.
Master Specifications
220553 Mechanical Identification – October 4, 2017
- Revised Scope of Work
Revised approved manufacturers names
- Added identification of piping contents by temperature/pressure as necessary
- Added detectable non ferrous locator for plastic pipe labels
- Added additional Piping System, Ductwork and Valve identification locations
- Revised labels to align with the ANSI/AMSE A13.1 Standard
- Added more systems to be identified
- Table Formatting
Additional label types (6) added for the hospital piping – October 27, 2017
261100 Unit Substations – October 3, 2017
- 1.2.A – clarification that substations should not include touch screen displays/interfaces
- Part 2 – added Siemens as an acceptable substation assembler
- 2.2.F – clarification on primary fuse sizing responsibilities
- 2.4.I – revamped section on the control of double-ended substations (including a detailed sequence of operations)
- 2.4.K.5 – updated the substation meter model number.
232513 Chemical Water Treatment – Closed Loop and 232516 – Chemical Water Treatment – Open Loop Systems – October 2, 2017
Removed GE water as approved CSP per Hydronics and Steam MTT due to poor service.
Technical Sections
283100 Fire Detection and Alarm – October 31, 2017
In September, the Building Code Committee approved the simplified alignment of the fire alarm strobe requirements between the Michigan Building Code and the Life Safety Code. In the “Visual Notification Appliances” section of DG 283100, building areas are identified as either requiring or not requiring a fire alarm strobe.
DG 3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – October 10, 2017
Revised to: update exemption request procedure; clarify LEED Project Manager requirements
DG 3.2 Energy and Water Conservation – October 10, 2017
Revised to: update exemption request procedure
265100 Interior Lighting – October 2, 2107
- On page 4 of 8, per discussions with the Construction Cost Reduction team as well as Dave Comers, we added the requirement that lighting designers send a copy of their project lighting fixture schedules to each of our local major lighting representatives at the end of the Design Development phase. Our goal is to achieve more competitive pricing on lighting packages.
September 2017
Master Specifications
087100 Door Hardware – September 22, 2017
Privacy lockset (typically used for single occupant restrooms): Revised to change over-ride from keyed over-ride to coin turn over-ride
102800 Toilet and Bath Accessories – September 22, 2017
Electric Hand driers:
Removed discontinued product previously listed and added the following hidden text. “A&E is reviewing potential models for inclusion in this section. consider ADA compliance, noise, dry time, and air distribution pattern when selecting devices. User experience in other buildings have indicated that driers in the 80-90 dba range are too loud and some air distribution patterns cause maintenance problems on the adjacent walls.”
The revisions are:
- Paragraph 2.1.A.1 (page 11) – deleted reference to Riverside Integrated Systems. There are other qualified installers of EST-3 fire alarm panels, so bids will be more competitive.
- Paragraph 2.1.A (page 11) – added Notifier ONYX 3030 series as an equivalent fire alarm system. This update was previously made/approved in the PML list, so now the spec and design guidelines align.
Master specification Division 1 – September 5, 2017
Updated as follows:
- Contractor parking locations and language updated to match current typical locations
- F&O department names revised to match current names
Standard Details
4′ Diameter Precast Storm Manhole – September 5, 2017
The detail was updated to specify frame and covers.
August 2017
Project Procedures
2.8 Project Manual – August 30, 2017
Updated to match November 2016 version updated by Project Controls in Contractor Resources section.
Master Specifications
024119 Selective Demolition
028110 Regulated Construction Waste Remediation
028213 Asbestos Remediation
028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic
028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material
028300 Lead Remediation
028333 Lead Remediation – Renovation, Repair and Painting in Child-Occupied Facilities and Target Housing
028400 PCB Remediation
Modifications: – August 10, 2017
All sections: OSEH has been updated for new name: EHS (Environment, Health & Safety)
220500 Common Work Results for Mechanical – August 8, 2017
Updated to no longer refer to the 2009 versions of the MPC and MMC, per the Plumbing and FP MTT.
230593 Testing Adjusting & Balancing (TAB) – August 2, 2017
Added requirement for I.D. labels on ceiling near VAV boxes (similar to current requirement for diffusers) per Plumbing MTT as requested by Hospital FPD.
July 2017
Technical Sections
New DG235000 Hot Water Heating Systems – July 11, 2017
Civil Master Specifications
New MS331100 – Water Distribution Piping – July 10, 2017
Adding New U-M utility specification to the standard specs.
Special Instructions to Designers
4.3.6 General Commissioning Procedures – July 1, 2017
The only change was to update the Plant training contact’s name and email.
June 2017
Civil Master Specifications
New MS333100 – Sanitary Sewer – June 21, 2017
Civil Details
Add Water Main Details and Sanitary Sewer Details link to City of Ann Arbor Water Main Details – June 21, 2017
Link was accidentally deleted in January 2017 when all Civil Details were updated.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – June 14, 2017
Update to University of Michigan Buildings that Contain Instructional Space, specifically to buildings, 5370 Jeff T. Blau Hall and 0137 Kresge Business Admin Library.
Project Procedures
New Pre-Design Deliverables Design Guideline 2.9 (spreadsheet) – June 14, 2017
As part of the deliverables for formal UM review at the end of Pre-Design phase, we have compiled the Pre-Design Deliverables Design Guideline 2.9. This is similar to the Design Deliverables that are utilized during the SD, DD and CD phase of project development. The Pre-Design Deliverables have been compiled with input for multiple individuals that are involved in our project reviews and design process. Please note that each item on the list may not apply to every project. A column in the spreadsheet was included to note if required for the project, also date the item was received. The intent is to provide consistency and a guide for the design professionals when compiling Pre-Design Documents.
May 2017
Master Specifications
A summary of the changes to this master specification include:
- Consistent with recent campus AEC changes to MS 230900, we’ve revised MS230905 to add constant volume venture (CVV) fume hood lab airflow controls (VAV fume hood labs airflow controls, including all other mechanical controls in the VAV fume hood lab, remains in MS230910)
- Added miscellaneous flow meter clarifications, including division of work associated with UM Utilities (again, consistent with recent AEC campus changes to MS230900)
- Added clarification to control demolition scope
- Added clarifications to the various Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Room Pressure Monitor requirements
- Changed reference of MCIT to HITS
- Clarified coordination requirements with UMH Systems Monitoring and Systems Integrator
- Modified submittal and project record requirements
- Added additional VAV terminal controller requirements
- Changes to DDC wiring requirements
- Added identification labelling requirements
- Clarified HITS network connection requirements
- Modified trending and alarm requirements
April 2017
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – April 25, 2017
March 2017
- Under 260526 GROUNDING & BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL, we’ve added Harger Lightning & Grounding.
- Under 261100 UNIT SUBSTATIONS, we’ve added Galco Industrial Electronics as an ABB distributor.
- Under 262000 LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION, we’ve updated the company name of Ferraz-Shawmut to Mersen Electrical Power (company merger/acquisition).
- Under 264100 FACILITIES LIGHTNING PROTECTION, we’ve added Harger Lightning & Grounding, and deleted Sleeping Bear Lightning Protection.
- Under 265100 INTERIOR LIGHTING, we’ve added the contact information of four major, local, lighting reps. Direction is also given to the lighting designers to send their lighting fixture schedules to these four reps for recommended equivalents.
- Under 283100 FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEMS, we’re now allowing Notifier on all central campus projects, we’ve updated Simplex’s name, and we’ve clarified that VESDA is now a subsidiary of Honeywell.
February 2017
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – February 15, 2017
Address for agencies updated.
Addition of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL).
Master Specifications
220548 Vibration Control – February 22, 2017
Significant Revisions/Changes
Technical Sections
Standard Details and Schedules
Referencing current MDOT ramp details to align with City ramp standards referencing MDOT. – February 10, 2017
MD 235716 001 Critical Steam to Water Heat Exchanger P & ID – February 6, 2017
MD 235716 002 Non-Critical Steam to Water Heat Exchanger P & ID – February 6, 2017
MD 235716 003 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger Piping Detail – February 6, 2017
We changed the schematic to have two steam to water heat exchangers details now – 001 is for a critical installation which has minor changes (detail name and removed all the “non” critical notes) compared to the existing posted detail. 002 is for Non Critical installation with the location of the pumps and separator is different from the critical detail, all the notes are for non critical installation. 003 – is the detail and schedules sheet – we removed all but one detail.
Technical Sections
101400 Signage – February 3, 2107
Major updates as follows:
- Signage characteristics and room identification updated to require the following:
- International Symbol of Accessibility: added requirement to specify raised pictogram in lieu of flat. This was requested by Office of Institutional Equity.
- For room types that have both gender specific and gender inclusive room (restrooms, locker rooms, shower rooms, etc), requirements were added for specific room names pictograms, and informational text that directs occupants to other facilities in a building.
- Appendix A added to provide additional visual direction regarding signage standards for specific room type, particularly restrooms and other spaces that have both gender specific / gender inclusive rooms. These have been reviewed and approved by Spectrum Center and Office of Institutional Equity
- Appendix B added to provide a lactation space pictogram that does not indicate gender. This has been approved by Work Life Resources.
January 2017
The following documents had global updates to nomenclature (OSEH now EHS, UPO now Campus Planning); updated links; the UPO storm water management manual has been removed and where applicable, the SEMCOG LID manual is referenced. – January 27, 2017
Special Instructions to Designers 4.4.1 Landscape Materials
Design Guideline 310000 Sitework
Design Guideline 312500 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Design Guideline 321000 Walks, Roads and Parking Paving
Master Specification 312500 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls
Master Specifications
232116 Hydronic Piping Specialties – January 30, 2017
Improved the specification for coalescing separators. Tracked version also attached.
232513 Chemical Water Treatment – Closed Loop – January 30, 2017
232516 – Chemical Water Treatment – Open Loop Systems – January 30, 2017
Added US Water as an approved Chemical Services Provider.
Project Procedures
2.2 Design Deliverables – January 24, 2017
Revised related to storm water management. The link in 2.2 Design Deliverables goes to a comprehensive procedure and all the associated documents. This is very similar to what we just did with the sanitary sewer mitigation procedure.
Minor revisions to various other related DGs to replace the UPO storm water best practices with the SEMCOG LID manual and to reflect recent nomenclature changes (OSEH now EHS, UPO to Campus Planning and removal of references to “Plant”).
1.0 Codes and Regulatory Agencies – January 23, 2017
Update of Dormitory Code to NFPA 101 2012 and new rules effective Jan 6, 2017.
OSEH changed to EHS or Occupational Safety and Environmental Health changed to Environmental Health & Safety.
Hospital changed to Michigan Medicine.
Addition of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Standard Details
9.4 Civil/Site Details – January 20, 2017
All details were updated to match current design guidelines and specifications. Civil Standard Detail Change Log.
December 2016
Master Specifications
MS010000 Division 01 General Requirements – December 21, 2016
- Section 012900 – Payment Procedures has been removed, it is now included in the Standard General Conditions.
- Project Commissioning section cross references updated.
- OSEH has been updated for new name: EHS (Environment, Health & Safety)
MS028213 Asbestos Remediation, MS028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic, MS028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material – December 21, 2016
- OSEH has been updated for new name: EHS (Environment, Health & Safety)
- “National Salvage and Service Corporation” has been removed from the list of pre-qualified abatement firms, they are no longer an approved asbestos abatement company.
MS237213 Rotary Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Wheels – December 12, 2016
Add Innergytech and drop DRI due to DRI not being able to comply with the specification.
Updated to drop motors as a related section to allow wheel mfr.s to supply specialty motors that allow slow rotation the energy wheel when driven by a VFD. (Motors do not have to be from an MS 220513 “approved” motor mfr.)
MS226313 – Medical Gas Certification (For Hospital Funded Projects) – December 6, 2016
has been updated to reflect a change in an acceptable manufacturer.
Special Instructions to Designers
4.3.1 Design Phase Commissioning and 4.3.2 MEP Design Coordination – December 2, 2016
General updates to improve clarity, address LEED v4 requirements, add reference documents, improve format, etc.
4.3.3 Full Construction-Phase Commissioning – December 5, 2016
The only change was to update U-M’s water treatment coordinator’s name to new hire Nicholas Vanderkolk.
Special Building Areas
5.4 Telecommunication Rooms – November 21, 2016
Revised mounting height of dedicated 120 volt duplex receptacles from 48″ AFF to 18″ AFF.
Technical Sections
220010 Plumbing Specialties – November 3, 2016
Added that small RO systems for improving drinking water quality are to be avoided, per the Plumbing and FP MTT.
Master Specifications
Division 1 General Requirements – November 3, 2016
Table of Contents revised to remove 019110, because that section no longer appears in the Div 1 spec.
October 2016
Technical Sections
088000 Glazing – October 20, 2016
Removed wired glazing.
230030 Lab Ventilation – October 17, 2016
The requirement that venturi style terminal air flow units be used for most lab applications has been eliminated except for labs containing VAV hoods or hoods with combination sashes. Instead, most labs can be served by conventional blade style terminal units which will result in considerable cost savings.
Other changes include:
Explanation of the U-M master spec changes due to the change to blade style terminal units.
All labs are to be equipped with a room differential pressure indicator so that room occupants can locally verify the direction of room pressurization This was felt necessary by the HVAC MTT given that blade style terminal units will now be used for most labs.
Added requirements for stack tip design.
Removed the requirement that chilled beams proposed for labs be approved by the U-M HVAC MTT.
Minor editorial changes.
Master Specifications
232123 Plumbing and Hydronic Pumps – October 20, 2016
Added section for small wet rotor ECM pumps.
220513 Motors – October 14, 2016
All motors operated by VFDs to be equipped with grounding rings. 100 HP and greater to have ceramic bearing on non-drive end. Per ad hoc motor failures committee: Arndt, Brabbs, Comers, Gramza, Girard, Karle, Krantz, Woldt. Note: ceramic bearing requirement may be modified in future after additional investigation complete.
Revised requirements for VFD driven motors. Dropped “rated for inverter duty”, replaced with more specific NEMA citations.
- Survey revised to include room number as mandatory and a request for contact information (corrective action cannot occur unless specific area is identified).
- Action Plan revised to state that the CxA and Facilities will work together to provide appropriate action. (Previously it was stated that corrective action would occur when 20% of respondents were dissatisfied).
September 2016
Master Specifications
230910 VAV/Combination Sash Fume Hood Laboratory Controls-DDC – September 30, 2016
Changes: Improved wording regarding the work scope covered by the specification section, approved by the HVAC MTT.
Summary of changes September 21, 2016: The sections were updated to reference the current adopted NFPA 101 “Life Safety Code”, under submittal requirements for Affidavits of Compliance.
096813 – Tile Carpeting
096816 – Sheet Carpeting
098433 – Sound Absorbing Wall Units
099310 – Wood Floor Finish
095100 – Acoustical Ceilings
096466 – Wood Athletic flooring
096500 – Resilient Flooring
096723 – Resinous Flooring
102113 – Toilet Compartments
102239 – Folding Panel Partitions
101100 – Visual Display Units
Special Building Areas
5.11 Fire Command Center – September 21, 2016
Minor revisions
Project Procedures
2.5 Project Estimates – September 21, 2016
A new requirement was added for the Design Professional to complete a Project Data Sheet for each project that is benchmarked. The form name was changed and has been updated to include the new project data sheet.
2.2 Design Deliverables – September 16, 2016
Design Deliverables document updated to provide a link to supplemental information for the Design Professionals to use when they are calculating sanitary sewer offsets.
August 2016
Special Building Areas
SBA 5.10 Gender Inclusive Rooms – August 18, 2016
- Name changed from “Gender Inclusive Toilet / Locker Room” to “Gender Inclusive Rooms”
- Gender free facilities are required for all types of facilities separated by gender (restrooms, lockrooms, showers, etc…)
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – August 18, 2016
- 281600 Closed Circuit TV Systems – deleted four listed camera manufacturers, and now references a much broader and compatible camera manufacturer list posted on the UM DPSS web site. This broader list ensures compatibility with DPSS’s Genetec headend and offers a more competitive bid.
Standard Details and Schedules
- Concrete Seatwall
- Concrete Retaining Wall
- Wall jointing
Master Specifications
261100 Unit Substations – August 3, 2016
The updates include:
- Within 2.2.D.8 and .9, added door stays to prop open primary switch doors.
- Within 2.2.D.11 and .12, clarified the need for full height insulating barriers between the bus and the switch.
- Within 2.2.E.13, clarified the location of handle position switches.
- Moved paragraphs 2.2.F.5.a and .b into 2.2.D.12.
- Within 2.4.K, clarified the location of current transformers.
211313 Wet and Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems – August 2, 2016
Eliminated requirement that dry pipe sprinkler piping be galvanized.
232116 Hydronic Piping Specialties – August 2, 2016
Added Thrush as approved mfr. of coalescing separators.
July 2016
Special Instructions to Designers
DG 4.3 Building Commissioning – July 28, 2016
DG 4.3.3 Full Construction-Phase Commissioning – July 28, 2016
DG 4.3.4 Reduced Scope Construction-Phase Commissioning – July 28, 2016
Updated Related Sections, no other changes.
DG 4.3.5 Commissioning Plan Procedure – July 28, 2016
This is a new DG formalizing the commissioning plan (manual) requirements that have been in place informally for many years.
- This procedure defines the process for developing and maintaining a commissioning (Cx) Plan. The Cx Plan is the document that outlines the project specific requirements and responsibilities of the Cx process. The Cx Plan also stores all validating documentation related to the Cx process.
DG 4.3.6 General Commissioning Procedures – July 28, 2016
This new DG covers the minimum commissioning requirements for conducting commissioning meetings, providing Cx reports, obtaining operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals for the Owner, and managing and conducting Owner training
Parts of 4.3.6 were previously covered by internal AEC procedures, these have been revised and will now apply to both internally and externally commissioned projects.
Technical Sections
075000 Roofing Systems and Accessories – July 14, 2016
Clarified and included electrical panels and equipment clearances heights above roofing materials.
Notes – Civil Standard – July 13, 2016
Update civil notes to reflect City of Ann Arbor input regarding watermain notes.
Preferred Manufacturers List
Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – July 5, 2016
- Under 260533 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS, we’ve updated a manufacturer name to MP Husky under ladder type tray and added Cope and MP Husky to wire basket tray.
- Under 263000 ENGINE-GENERATOR SYSTEMS, we’ve deleted commentary that only belongs in the master specs (e.g. “…14 inches of water column…“).
- Under 283100 FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEMS, Siemens and National Time & Signal were added as manufacturers.
Master Specifications
Revised for applicability only to VAV fume hood labs
Revised for sheet metal trade furnishing and installing constant flow venturi valves and accessories
June 2016
Project Procedures
2.4 Document Standards And Procedures For Project Deliverables (formerly 2.4 Drawing and Construction Document Standards) – June 27, 2016
2.4 Document Standards And Procedures For Project Deliverables has undergone a complete re-write.
- The guideline has been organized to follow the sequence of tasks for project delivery
- Guidelines describe the preferred format and information required for each document.
- General Project and Drawing/ CAD Standards,
- Titleblock content
- Room Numbering Assignment Procedure
- Procedure for submitting Bid and Construction Sets
- Record Documents, contents and procedures.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – June 27, 2016
- Updated the State of Michigan Fire Safety Rules for Schools, Colleges, and Universities on page 8 from “(Filed December 13 1989) … NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code 1997)” to “((Filed May 19 2016) Effective June 20 2016) … NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code 2012)”
- Removed “0333 School of Nursing Building” from University of Michigan Buildings that Contain Child Care Space
Master Specifications
263000 Engine-Generator System – June 17, 2016
- In 2.1.A.3, deleted note regarding “up through 300 kW” for Generac Industrial Power. Generac has provided documents showing they now have factory certification on units beyond 300 kW. Also, this previous note was redundant with the requirement specified in 2.3.B.
283100 Fire Detection and Alarm System – June 17, 2016
- Added 2.1.A.4 and 2.1.A.5 – Added National Time and Signal On-Point and Siemens XLS as acceptable fire alarm panel manufacturers.
Standard Details and Schedules
Detail 15910002 – Laboratory DDC Architecture and Scope of Work – June 13, 2016
Change: Replaced the Phoenix Macroserver with Phoenix Room Integrator to reflect current product offering.
May 2016
3.1 Sustainable Design and LEED Requirements – May 26, 2016
The requirement for an 11×17 digital copy of the visual display has been removed (only a 24×26 digital copy of the visual display is required)
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – May 10, 2016
- moved “( )* Indicates compartment of jurisdiction. Note egress from compartment; fire alarm & fire suppression for entire bldg are under BFS” from the top of page 23 to the bottom of page 22.
- Table of Contents links now clickable
SID 4.3 Building Commissioning – May 2, 2016
Now designates that the A/E always edits (makes project specific) and inserts the appropriate U-M master commissioning specification into Division 1 of the project’s specification. The previous version had either the CxA or the A/E edit the commissioning specification which caused confusion and sometimes resulted in projects being issued for bid without a Cx spec.
SID 4.3.3 Full Project Commissioning – May 2, 2016
Significant update to clarify the CxA’s scope of work.
Clarified that certain systems are not commissioned by the CxA but by other parties, e.g. elevators, fire alarm, emergency responder radio systems.
Clarified Cx requirements for Security, Access Control, and AV systems and User Equipment
Provides detailed sampling requirements for high count equipment
Delineated responsibilities between CxA and U-M Inspection regarding emergency power systems
The DG name has been revised to Full Construction Phase Commissioning Procedure.
SID 4.3.4 Project Commissioning for Small Projects – May 2, 2016
The scope of Cx work for small projects has been streamlined to essentials so that Cx will be more affordable for small projects. The DG name has been revised to Reduced Scope Construction Phase Commissioning Procedure.
April 2016
Standard Details and Schedules
- New Curb Pavement Patch – delete detail
- Frost Free Stoop – moved this detail to the Concrete sidewalk detail section
Removed Civil Wall details as they were project specific details and were not typical campus standards – April 20, 2016
Moved the Building Identification Sign Detail, from Civil Design Details section to the Miscellaneous Details section. – April 28, 2016
Removed the Emergency Telephone details in the Miscellaneous Details section. – April 28, 2016
Added Trench Drain Filter Fabric Detail, under the Trench Detail section. – April 28, 2016
Master Specification
- 3.5.A.5 – revised the contact phone number to (734) 763-4568 OSEH Hazardous Materials Management.
The change is that AirGas, one of our medical gas certifiers, was bought out and the certification services changed names to Compass Cryogenics (see section 1.6)
MS028213 Asbestos Remediation
MS028214 Asbestos Remediation – Floor Tile and Mastic
MS028215 Asbestos Remediation – Roofing Material
The list of pre-qualified asbestos abatement firms has been updated in each. – April 22, 2016
Special Building Areas
DG 5.8 Personal Rooms – April 7, 2016
Changes are minor and include the following:
- Added language encouraging inclusion of personal rooms
- Added language to remind design teams to consider compatibility of proposed uses during the programming phase.
March 2016
- A/E’s LEED Administrator to notify AEC Sustainability Coordinator with LEED certification results.
- A/E to obtain authorization prior to publishing LEED certifiation results on media platforms.’
Standard Details and Schedules
Electric Drive Water Cooled Water Chiller Piping Schematic – March 15, 2016
A small change to clarify Note 4
Sidewalk Control Joint Layout – March 4, 2016
Re-added to the website
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added NFPA 101 to ‘Reference Documents’.
- Added requirement to verify, during the Schematic Design phase, LEED credits (associated with lighting design) that will be pursued.
- Restricted use of battery-inverter systems (for emergency lighting) to small single room applications.
- Clarified LED lamp and driver component requirements.
- Clarified preferred occupancy sensor technologies.
- Added requirement for lighting controls to comply with applicable version of ASHRAE 90.1.
- Added requirement to include schedules indicating settings for occupancy sensors and photocells.
- Added dimming system recommendations.
- Expanded recommendations for daylight harvesting applications.
- Added requirement for performing a cost-benefit analysis to justify use of master automated lighting control systems.
Engine-Generator System and Room – 6.3 DG 263000 – March 3, 2016
- Updated list of reference documents.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added requirement to evaluate indoor verses outdoor locations and preference for locating generators outdoors on grade level.
- Added requirement to coordinate with U-M OSEH Air Quality Specialist during schematic design phase.
- Clarified requirements for generator main circuit breakers.
- Clarified generator sizing requirements.
- Clarified required available fault current ratings for closed transition automatic transfer switches.
- Simplified load bank testing requirements.
- Added preference for generator rooms not to be located on lowest level of building.
- Added requirement for installation of dry horizontal sidewall fire protection sprinklers.
- Added requirement to indicate working clearances for electrical equipment on plan view drawings.
- Added requirement for phase rotation monitors on generator back feed tap boxes.
Master Specifications
A summary of changes includes:
- Defined that DDC HMI shall be provided & installed by MSCC, programmed by SI.
- Modified submittal requirements.
- Further defined DDC architecture.
- Added Tstat aux comm port.
- Modified HMI & diff pressure transmitter requirements.
- Modified BACnet naming requirements.
- Added DDC installation requirements.
February 2016
Special Instructions to Designers
4.4.5 Site Signage New Design Guideline – February 24, 2016
Standard Details
Concrete Sidewalk Details – Decorative Finishes-Picture Framed – February 24, 2016
The detail has been removed from the web site since picture framed sidewalk is not a campus standard.
New Standard Details – February 17, 2016
D 235716 001 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger P & ID
D 235716 002 Steam to Water Heat Exchanger Details and Schedules
Technical Sections
- Updated list of reference documents.
- Added labeling requirements when modifying existing circuits.
- Revised/updated content requirements for short circuit, protective device coordination and arc flash hazard studies and reports.
- Added requirement to indicate working clearances for electrical equipment on electrical plan view drawings.
- Added requirement to include room names and numbers on electrical plan view drawings.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification section regarding electrical coordination.
- Clarified requirements for instructing contractors regarding code inspections.
Fire Detection and Alarm – 6.3 DG 283100 – February 23, 2016
- Updated formatting.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added summarized design guideline ‘Scope’ section
- Added ‘Related Sections’ section.
- Added summarized ‘Design Requirements’ section
- For new buildings not required by code to a have a fire alarm system installed, a requirement was added to perform a risk analysis. This analysis will be used to assist in determining if a fire alarm system should be installed even though it is not code required.
- Clarified component requirements for fire alarm control panels.
- Clarified requirements for initiating devices and notification appliances.
- Clarified requirements for monitor and control modules.
- Added reference to design guideline for Emergency Responder Radio Coverage systems.
- Add requirements for Mass Notification systems.
- Clarified required signal inputs for MOSCAD systems
- Revised list with UPE updates.
- Deleted redundant items.
- Clarified U-M lock core requirements.
- Clarified requirement regarding verify phasing between primary, transformer and secondary sections.
- Clarified requirements regardi
ng primary cable testing and associated report. - Added requirement for contractor to install breakers after receipt from testing agency.
- Added requirement for continuity testing of CT wiring.
Specification 281300 Access Control & Monitoring – February 11, 2016
- 1.4.B – Updated list and contact information for Qualified Installers.
- 2.2.A.2 – Deleted diode noise suppression requirement (UM key office reported intermittent issues with diodes).
- 2.2.F.1.c. – Revised reader heater power supply (the previous power supply is no longer manufactured).
- 3.3.F – Provide dedicated receptacle outlets for reader heater transformers.
Preferred Manufacturers Lists
Electrical Preferred Manufacturers List – February 10, 2016
- 260533 Cable Trays – Legrand and Wiremold products are now known as Legrand Cablofil.
- 262726 Wiring Devices – WattStopper is now known as Legrand WattStopper. Pass & Seymour is now known as Legrand Pass & Seymour.
- 273523 Emergency Responder Radio Services – Updated contact info for RF Connect. Added JDRM contact info for signal survey services.
- 281300 – Card Access Control Designers/Installers – Updated contact info for Siemens. Deleted Electronic Security Systems, Johnson Controls, and TTI due to lack of service and/or interest.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies – Updated February 4, 1016
- Changes to the Codes and Regulatory Agencies for February 2016:
- Changed “Michigan Residential Code 2009 (adopted March 9, 2011)” to “Michigan Residential Code 2015 (adopted February 8, 2016)” on page 6.
- Changed “Rule 408.30401 Rule 401” to “Rule 408.30500 Rule 500” on page 6.
- Removed link to the Safety Management Services “
” on page 20. - Checked All Links
January 2016
Technical Sections
Unit Substations – 6.0 DG 261100
- Updated formatting.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added a summarized design guideline scope section.
- Added a summarized design requirements section
- Consolidated system ratings and space requirements.
- Added vertical bus rating requirements for secondary switchgear feeder sections.
- Clarified Ethernet connection requirements for secondary switchgear.
- Clarified requirements for sub-metering of secondary feeders
Special Building Areas
Unit Substations Rooms – SBA 5.7
- Updated formatting.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added a summarized design guideline scope section.
- Clarified design requirements regarding sound proofing.
- Clarified design requirements regarding EMF and the possible impact on sensitive electronic equipment.
- Added wall construction requirements for substation rooms (our typical substation room is required by the M
ichigan Electrical Code
to be constructed as a transformer vault). - Clarified equipment egress path requirements.
- Removed alternative for installing foreign piping and ductwork in substation rooms
Standard Details
Civil notes have been updated with minor organizational changes as well as utility note changes to incorporate City water main review comments.
We have updated storm sewer details based on standard practice and added options for manhole covers.
Theses details have been removed:
- Double Storm Inlet
- Storm Inlet Section
- Storm Inlet In Pavement Section
- Storm Inlet Section Yard Drain (Typ.)
- Slotted Drain Corrugated Galvanized
- Concrete Block Inlet – Jct. Chamber
- Standard Storm Manhole
- 4′ Catch Basin (Curb Inlet)
- Underdrain
- Road Edge Drain
- Typical Underdrain Detail With Existing Curb and Gutter
These details are new:
- 2′ Diameter Storm Inlet
- 4′ Diameter Precast Catch Basin
- 4′ Diameter Precast Storm Manhole
- Double Storm Catch Basin
- Underdrain With Curb & Gutter
- Underdrain
Under storm details, the following 2009 details have been reomoved due to being outdated.
- Storm water detention/detention outlet restrictor
- sidewalk edge drain
- trench drain
FYI – the only one that will be replaced is the trench detail, but we have not updated it yet.
All of the sanitary sewer details are outdated and have been removed and replaced with a link to the City of Ann Arbor Sewer details (same as for the water main).
Master Specifications
Division 1: summary of changes
- Section 011400 – Work Restrictions – optional language added for projects that require do not allow use of building toilet facilities.
- Section 015000 Temporary Facilities and Controls: Added elevator use and protection requirements that will be removed from Supplemental Conditions.
Division 8
- Section 087100 Door Hardware – Updated part numbers on office locksets for classroom use.
Division 9
- Section 099100 Painting – updated manufacturer list and formatting changes
December 2015
- Updated formatting.
- Removed redundant language that is included in associated specification sections.
- Added a summarized design guideline scope section.
- Added a summarized design requirements section.
- Clarified distribution schemes for Central Campus, North Campus and UMHHC.
- Added requirements for coordinating with UPE prior to planning expansions of UM medium voltage distribution systems.
- Clarified electrical service point for new buildings.
- Added requirements for load estimates during design phase of projects.
- Clarified UPE’s scope for furnishing and installing medium voltage cables and terminations.
- Added component and configuration standards for unit substations as they relate to the medium voltage distribution system.
Design Deliverables were updated (in October) to include the new requirement for Design Professionals to benchmark projects with a construction budget of $5M or greater. Design Guideline 2.5 Project Estimates has been updated to include the template.
- Various revisions from “Outside Lighting Shop” references to “Utilities Power & Lighting Shop”, including updated phone numbers.
- Various revisions throughout, updating terminal blocks, in-line fuse holders, nuts, bolts, washers, etc. to align with current master details.
- 2.1.A – added designer note describing UM transition towards LED lighting for exterior applications.
- 2.1.A.5 and 6 – deleted metal halide technical requirements and added LED requirements.
- 2.2.A – added designer note outlining potential stakeholders of roadway/parking lot lighting team. Describes proposed LED fixtures suitable for parking lot and roadway applications.
- 2.2.A.1 thru 7 – deleted metal halide technical requirements and added LED requirements.
- 2.9 – added designer note describing preference for DDC control of exterior lighting.
- 2.9.B – deleted stand-alone time clock specification.
November 2015
Codes and Regulatory Agencies
Changes made:
– Changed on page 6 “State of Michigan Electrical Code incorporating “NFPA 70 –National Electrical Code”, 2011 edition with University of Michigan modifications.” to “State of Michigan Electrical Code incorporating “NFPA 70 –National Electrical Code”, 2014 edition with University of Michigan modifications.”
– NFPA 45 updated to 2011.
– Updated the administrative rules website links for the following:
- State of Michigan Health Care Safety Rules on pg 7. (now
- State of Michigan Dormitory Fire Safety Rules for Schools, Colleges, and Universities on pg 8. (now
- State of Michigan Fire Safety Rules for Schools, Colleges, and Universities on pg 8. (now
– Adopted Michigan Electrical Code 2014 and National Electrical Code 2014 on November 1, 2015 altering page 11 and 12:
State of Michigan Electrical Code 2011 Part 8 Electrical Code Rules (Adopted January 17, 2014) (Incorporating NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (2011 Edition) and Michigan Amendments) promulgated by State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes. Michigan Electrical Code Article 80: Article 80 of the Michigan Electrical Code does not apply.NEC 2011 Section 220.12: When the lighting system is being designed in accordance with the watts/sf and lighting controls requirements of the U-M Energy Code, the exception being added to Section 220.12 of the 2014 NEC may be applied to the 2011 NEC. Applying the exception will result in a more accurate calculation of the lighting power system load and a more appropriate sizing of the lighting power system.NEC 2011 Section 310.15(B)( 3)(c) and referenced Table 310.15(B)( 3)(c): The requirement for adjusting the ampacities of conductors and cables in circular raceways exposed to sunlight on rooftops shall not be applied.NEC 2011 Section 695.3: The requirements for power sources for electrically driven fire pumps and the requirements for ‘reliable power’ will be determined by the University’s High Voltage Engineer, on a case-by-case basis.NEC 2011 Sections 700.27 and 701.27: The University may deviate from full selectivity (overcurrent protective device coordination within the emergency generator distribution system) in order to lower arc-flash energy levels for worker safety. All such deviations from full selectivity will be designed by, and reviewed by, registered professional engineers.Enforcing Agency — University of Michigan Architecture, Engineering and Construction.Web site for Part 8: |
State of Michigan Electrical Code 2014 Part 8 Electrical Code Rules (Adopted September 21, 2015) (Incorporating NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (2014 Edition) and Michigan Amendments) promulgated by State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Construction Codes. By local rule the following exceptions/modifications are applied to the Michigan Electrical Code:Michigan Electrical Code Article 80: Article 80 of the Michigan Electrical Code does not apply.NEC 2014 Sections 700.28 and 701.27: The University may deviate from full selectivity (overcurrent protective device coordination within the emergency generator distribution system) in order to lower arc-flash energy levels for worker safety. All such deviations from full selectivity will be designed by, and reviewed by, registered professional engineers.Enforcing Agency — University of Michigan Architecture, Engineering and Construction.Web site for Part 8: |
– Michigan Buildings that Contain Instructional Space pages 22-23:
- Changed 0150 Literature Science and the Arts to include 4th Floor
- Added 5347 School of Nursing New Building
- Added 5017 Flint North Bank Center
– Added a new subsection ‘University of Michigan Buildings That Contain Instructional Space and Are Rental Properties’ and included the
- 5382 Woodward Gardens building.
– Necessary format changes and spelling corrections.
– Updated the table of contents.
– All links have been checked.
Master Specifications
MS237324 Semi-custom Air Handling Units
MS238216 Coils and Drain Pans
Changes: Ventrol added as approved mfr. for coils, Ingenia added as approved mfr. for semi-custom AHUs, per HVAC MTT.
Division 1
Summary of updates as follows:
- Section 010000 “Summary:
- Added language related to non-BFS compartments in BFS buildings.
- Section 011400 “Work Restrictions:
- Added contractor identity badge requirement and
- Removed substantial completion date and referenced the FOP.
- Sections 012100 and 012300 “Unit Prices” and “Alternates”:
- Edited language for better coordination with FOP
- Section 013100 “Project Management and Coordination”
- Added language regarding inspections, testing, and sequencing.
- Substantially rewrote coordination drawing requirements to better reflect current practice and expectations.
- Section 013500 “Special Procedures for Fire Marshal Review and Inspection”:
- Added detailed requirements for finish affidavits for fire marshal inspection.
- Added language related to non-BFS compartments in BFS buildings.
- Section 014200 “References”: Substantially rewrote to better coordinate with new SGC and with industry standards.
- Section 017300 “Execution”: New section added to address general requirements for inspection, preparation, installation, and preparation (some of which were previously in the Supplemental General Conditions).
- Section 017329 ” Cutting and Patching”: Updated language to better reflect current use of the section.
- Section 010000 “Summary:
Standard Details
Civil Details
Removed all current details posted UM Civil standard water main details and replace with a link to the City of Ann Arbor standard water main details.
City of Ann Arbor Water Main Standard Details:
Deleted the noted below details under pavements/concrete pavement details as they are not typical campus standards.
- Longitudinal lane tie joint symbol D
- transverse expansion joint
- concrete road cross section
Removed the current Expansion Joint from the Civil Details on the AEC Website and replace it with “Pavement Expansion Joint Detail“.
Replaced the current Sidewalk Detail
- Permeable paver system on porous concrete detail was added as a campus standard.
- Concrete standard sidewalk and pavement expansion joint details were updated to clarify actual campus standard practices.
October 2015
Special Instructions to Designers
4.6 – Utilities for University Provided
Revisions have been thoroughly vetted bu the UPE Tunnel Dept., the AEC Utilities Group and various mech tech teams.
- Title changed – now addresses all utilities, not just those provide by U-M
- Minor corrections/ clarification to utility temperatures/ pressures.
- Minor format corrections on cross-referenced section, changed “Project Coordinator” reference to “Design Manger” etc.
- Added cross reference to DG 5.9 regarding use of PRVs for back-up.
- Added requirement for flash tanks on high pressure condensate. Though new in this DG, this requirement was routinely enforced but occasionally overlooked by outside AE’s not familiar with best practice. AS such, we expect this change will actually lower costs because flash tanks will be less likely to be overlooked and added via CCD.
- Added reference to have AEs check with AEC on required backpressure on pumped condensate. In addressing past condensate pumping issues, A&E developed a flow model of the pumped condensate system throughout the tunnels. By checking with A&E, we can ensure properly sized pumps are installed upfront, thereby lower capital and maintenance costs associated with installing sub-optimal pumps.
- Added minor correction to backflow prevention for domestic HW.
- Reference to a “chilled water tap fee” was removed. While this fee may still apply in some cases, it has not been uniformly applied in the past. We feel its best to negotiate that within AEC, rather than confusing outside AEs. No cost impact.
- New articles were added on “non-university provided utilities (gas, storm, sewer, water), Utility Corridors and Easements. None of these are expected to directly impact cost, but may reduce redesign delays.
- Clarifications were added to “metering” article. Little or no cost impact with these changes.
Special Building Areas
DG 5.9 Tunnels
Revisions have been thoroughly vetted bu the UPE Tunnel Dept., the AEC Utilities Group and various mech tech teams.
- Minor formatting adjustments – no cost impact.
- Added clarification on design pressure versus operating pressure for LPS and HPS. No cost Impact.
- Changed design temperature to be used for LPS and HPS during an excursion due to desuperheater failure from 600F to 450F. This is a major change that could have significant cost savings on future tunnel projects, and potentially reduce maintenance costs as well, by eliminating the need for some expansion joints. This change was made after extensive analysis by AEC and UPE.
- Added guidance on the application and sizing of backup pressure reducing valves. This could provide cost savings on some projects. More importantly, it provides consistent direction to be used for future projects.
- Added requirement for domestic HW valves to be 316 stainless, rather than 304 stainless. Though this will add additional cost on some tunnel projects, additional cost appears warranted considering continuing corrosion issues associated with City of Ann Arbor water.
- Changed tunnel ventilation requirements, increasing maximum allowable tunnel temperature to 115F (had been 100F). This change will reduce cost of some future projects. However, several sections of the tunnel system do not even meet this less stringent requirement.
5.10 Gender Inclusive Toilet/ Locker Room
Removed “design manager” and replaced with “Associate Vice President for Facilities and Operations” as the entity that can give exception to this guideline.
Project Procedures
Design Deliverables
Cells highlighted yellow indicate revisions
Updated Civil/ site requirements
Added, clarified site signage
Master Specifications
“MS2627226 Wiring Devices” Specification updates include:
- 2.3.A & B & D – Cooper Controls (Eaton) was added as an acceptable occupancy sensor manufacturer. This revision brings the specification in-line with the current PML.
- 2.3.C Designer Note – The designer note was updated to reflect the latest track record for ultrasonic occupancy sensors. The latest sensors use a higher frequency and no longer interfere with hearing aids. This was confirmed with UM’s ADA Coordinator.
- 2.5.A – For GFCI receptacles, added self-testing requirement and added blinking light that indicates a GFCI malfunction. This brings the specification in compliance with the latest government and UL requirements for GFCIs.
- 3.1.C – clarified freezer and window air conditioning wiring as #10 AWG minimum, as voltage drop or other derating factors may require larger conductors than #10.
- 3.1.D – reworded/clarified the requirement to have dedicated neutrals for 120 volt and 277 volt branch circuits.
Section 017420 of the U-M Division 01 specification has been revised to clarify that the construction and demolition waste tracking form be completed in one unit.
Revised MS232116 Hydronic Piping Specialties
Revised Part 3 air vent description to match revised U-M Standard Detail for air vents, to be issued soon. Tracked version also attached.
233600 Air Terminal Units
Changes: Eliminated wording that was confusing some bidders regarding who furnishes TECs for terminal units.
233100 HVAC Ducts & Casings
237323 Custom Air Handling Units
238219 Floor Mounted Fan Coil Units (Un-ducted)
Revisions: additional approved mfr.s added, per the HVAC MTT.
Standard Details
New Civil Detail 321400 Paver – Permeable System On Porous Concrete
Automatic Water System Air Vent Detail
Detail notes were improved and a detail for a manual air vent was added. Changes per Hydronics MTT.
These documents have undergone minor revisions.
All have been revised to replace references to old SID and DG names and numbers.
September 2015
- Under 262726 WIRING DEVICES (page 9/14), we’ve added four equivalent manufacturers to “USB Charging Port Receptacles”. This aligns the PML with the existing master specification.
- We’ve deleted 274000 AUDIO VIDEO SYSTEMS and the sub-heading “Wireless Microphone Systems” (page 13/14). The master specifications do not include audio visual systems in general, only their associated raceways. Audio Visual Systems are specialty systems that are constantly evolving; these system designs are best handled by the Audio Visual consultant on each project.
- We’ve added 273523 EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO COVERAGE (page 13/14). These organizations provide related design and installation services. RF Connect provided the installation at the new School of Nursing Building. Motor City Technologies provided the installation at the new Munger Graduate Residences.

August 2015
Preferred Manufacturer Lists
Architectural Preferred Manufacturers List
Added ASI Global Partitions to the toilet partition PML 102113.
The Electrical PML updates include:
- Added WBT as an acceptable manufacturer for wire basket cable tray.
- Deleted General Electric as an acceptable manufacturer for substation equipment and assembly. Added ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB) as an acceptable manufacturer for substation equipment and assembly.
- Added Copper Controls (Eaton) as an acceptable manufacturer for occupancy controls.
Master Specifications
MS 237213 Rotary Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Wheels and MS 230593 Testing Adjusting and Balancing Changes:
Rotary HX Spec:
Update to improve cross wheel leakage requirements, add rotation detection device, improve bearing requirements, modify dual belt requirement to allow spare belts ILO dual belts, provide AHRI certification documents, add factory testing requirement, advise do not use wheels in hazardous exhaust, add source quality control section, and other minor improvements.
TAB Spec:
Added requirement to label chilled beams. Added requirement to verify purge volumes and cross leakage of air to air heat exchangers.
Change: For sprinkler head mfr.s, change Anvil to Tyco. (Due to various industry buy-outs over the years Anvil is no longer a sprinkler brand name.)
MS261100 Unit Substation Specification updates include:
- 2.1.A.1, 2.3.A.1, 2.4.A.1 – Added ABB and deleted General Electric. Comment: General Electric has consistently under performed, including in areas of equipment durability, adherence to bid documents, and partnering.
- 3.4.C – Revised training sessions to take place two to four weeks after the start-up of the new substation. Comment: Training is an important element and should not be lumped together with energization or commissioning activities.
MS230930 Refrigerant Detection and Alarm
Changes: Horns and lights associated with the refrigerant monitor are now to be provided by the controls contractor, therefore those requirements have been deleted from the spec and are covered on the recently posted new refrigerant monitor control detail D 15635 001. This revised specification along with the new detail include the alarm monitor set points required by U-M OSEH, an alarm horn silence function, signage, and other requirements for refrigerant monitoring. Typically using the spec and detail should be adequate for most projects with minimal editing required (e.g. listing the horn/light qty.s on the detail). Refer to the specification’s editor’s notes for additional info and guidance.
Standard Details
New 15635 Refrigerant Monitor Control Diagram
July 2015
Division 1
Section: MS010000 Div 01 General Requirements 2015-07-13
The following three sub sections were updated to add new mechanical and electrical systems to the scope of work and revise system names for consistency with specification section nomenclature:
- 017823 – Operation and Maintenance Manuals,
019100 – Full Project Commissioning
019110 – Project Commissioning for Small Projects
Section 01770 – Closeout procedures’ was accidentally removed in the last update for Division 1 (about 2 weeks ago, 7/13), it has been added back in.
- 017823 – Operation and Maintenance Manuals,
MS033053 Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete 2015-07-16
- Complete rewrite to meet current industry standards and products
MS035416 Hydraulic Cement Underlayment 2015-07-16
- Complete rewrite to meet current industry standards and products
Master Spec 237323: Custom Air Handling Units
Minor revisions to factory testing requirements to assure proper testing.
Master Spec 237324: Semi-Custom Air Handling Units
Spec editors note added recommending custom AHUs when using air-to-air energy recovery wheels.
DG 6.0 075000 Roofing Systems and Accessories
Maintain minimum of 36” clear between mechanical units and adjacent structures, units, walls etc. for roofing repair and or replacement in the future.
June 2015
Master Specification
237323 Custom Air Handling Units
Revised to indicate when coil vents and drains are to be extended to the OUTSIDE of the casing, per HVAC MTT. (This revision was approved by the HVAC MTT last year but it was mistakenly not sent for posting.)
265100 Interior Lighting
We have updated the Interior Lighting Specification (the Interdepartmental Electrical Team has already had an opportunity to review and discuss). Please upload these to our web site (refer to the PDF and DOCX attachments).
Significant updates include:
- Added a “night lights” definition in section 1.2. Consultants and contractors too often confuse night lights with emergency lights, leading to unnecessary RFIs or improper installations.
- Added 1.3 Submittals section and a 1.4 Quality Assurance section. Some of the quality assurance information was reorganized and moved from “PART 2 – PRODUCTS” of the previous version. LED binning is a new item to ensure a level of LED color consistency.
- Added 1.5 Warranty section. This is essentially a reorganization of items moved from “PART 2 – PRODUCTS” of the previous version.
- Added 2.1.A.1, identifying that DLC, LED Lighting Facts, and ENERGY STAR listings/labels are preferred manufacturers to tie in with the previous PML revision.
- In 2.1.C, added a designer note regarding that “throw-away” LED fixtures are not preferred. In general, this should not be an issue with everyday general LED lighting. However, accent and specialty LED lighting may often have “throw-away” fixtures specified still. The general industry tends to find this acceptable yet, as accent and specialty lighting can depreciate to 50% or less light output and still be considered effective for their intended use. If “throw-away” LED fixtures are specified, the lighting designers should discuss this with the project team to receive approval on a project-by-project basis.
- In 2.2, added a designer note stating a preference for T8 lamping over T5 lamping, unless the T5 lamping strategy demonstrates a reduction in overall fixture quantities.
- In 2.2.A, revised average fluorescent lamp life from “24,000 hours” to “24,000 hours minimum”. The lamp market seems to be approaching a cross-over in lamp prices. If longer life lamps are produced in larger quantities, then perhaps they may eventually become cheaper than 24,000 hour lamps. Let’s get longer lamp life when market forces allow.
- In 2.2.B, added a designer note stating a preference of LED fixtures over compact fluorescent fixtures. LED fixtures are generally cost-competitive with compact fluorescent types, and they have the added advantages of dimming, instant on, longer life, broader operating temperature range, and color quality.
- In 2.3.D, added an LED driver qualification of 85% minimum efficiency.
- In 2.3.E, added that dimmable LED drivers should be 0-10V type.
- Deleted attic stock per key office request
- Added Sargent closer
- Updated to add 2 additional manufacturers for magnetic door hold opens
- Added second selection option for exterior aluminum surfaces
104400 Fire protection specialties
Updated to remove minimum interior dimension of fire extinguisher cabinets. Cabinets will be sized for specified equipment.
230593 Testing Adjusting & Balancing (TAB)
Added 230910 and 230920 as related sections. Added in Article 3.8 to verify LTAU air flows at design min. and max CFM. d. karle for hvac mtt june 2015.
230920 Lab Terminal Air Flow Units & Controls
June 2015: added requirement for valve calibration certificate under submittals, added post submittals article. improved description of valve operation under 2.3.A to require that characterized valve position be the primary means of achieving air volume setpoint, added that additional or fewer air valves are the RESPONSIBILITY of the contractor to provide if a MANUFACTURER other than the design basis is supplied since flow range v. valve DIAMETER varies between mfr.s, required that +/-5% valve accuracy be over the entire cataloged volumetric operating range of the ltau. Strengthened requirement that LTAU INDICATED air volume not to be adjusted based upon field measurements (Art. 3.2). d. karle per hvac mtt.
caution: analog style ltaus typically not AVAILABLE or used for CURRENT projects so this SPECIFICATION should not normally be used, instead use DDC version (230910). in the unusual condition that this spec is used, edit carefully to make project specific.
230910 Lab Air Flow Controls-DDC
June 2015: Revised to require reheat coil be provided by lcc, added reheat coil spec. added requirement for valve calibration certificate under submittals, added post submittals article. improved description of valve operation under 2.3.A to require that characterized valve position be the primary means of achieving air volume setpoint, added that additional or fewer air valves are the RESPONSIBILITY of the contractor to provide if a MANUFACTURER other than the design basis is supplied since flow range v. valve DIAMETER varies between mfr.s, required that +/-5% valve accuracy be over the entire cataloged volumetric operating range of the ltau, required fume hood monitors be provided with a common ALARM silence button since some mfr.s were providing multiple silence buttons. Revised building automation interface requirements to require phoenix macro server and siemens pxc. Strengthened requirement that LTAU INDICATED air volume not to be adjusted based upon field measurements (Art. 3.2). d. karle per hvac mtt.
220523 Valves
Clarified that high performance butterfly valves are to be used in grooved pipe unless it is specifically noted that grooved style butterfly valves are acceptable.
221119 Domestic Water Piping Specialties
Aligns the spec with related U-M details regarding city water meter purchase and installation.
Preferred Manufacturers List
Revised Electrical PML. The following revisions have been made:
- Under 261100 Unit Substations, the KWHR/Demand Meters have been revised to Schneider Electric PowerLogic ION8650. This revision now coordinates with the previous specification revision.
- Under 265100 Interior Lighting, we have added requirements to preferred LED lighting manufacturers. LED fixtures that have a DesignLights Consortium listing, a US Department of Energy “LED Lighting Facts” label, or a US Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR label will be considered as preferred. These organizations vet the manufacturer data sheets to ensure that LED products live up to their literature. There are over 143,000 listed or labelled LED lighting fixtures between these three organizations. By adopting these preferred manufacturers, we hope to slow down the “fly-by-night” LED product offerings. It is understood that low-volume LED products, such as accent or decorative lighting, may not have these listings or labels, so UM project teams will have to accept them on a case-by-case basis.
- Under Section 283100 Fire Detection & Alarm Systems, Notifier fire alarms was added for NCRC buildings and a typo for VESDA was corrected.
Special Building Areas
Revised 5.11 Fire Command Center
The changes in the design guideline are due to the following reasons:
- Clarified that safety-related equipment in the room shall be on emergency power, not outside equipment like HVAC serving the room.
- Changed the requirement for a control switch to simultaneously unlock stairway doors except exit discharge doors to the outside that are locked by the card access control system to match the current MBC.
- Specified the room interior door to be keyed for a BA key and the exterior door to have a card reader and be keyed for a ZE key.
- Changed “Fire Alarm Control Panel” to “Fire Alarm Control Unit” (FACU) to match the change in fire alarm code language.
- Added that if the building has emergency responder radio coverage (ERRC), the FACU shall monitor it.
- Added that if the building has emergency responder radio coverage (ERRC), do not provide a fire department two-way communications system.
- Clarified the generator “AUTO-RUN” switch shall be maintained contact, not spring return to center.
May 2015
Master Specifications
221113 – Piping Materials and Methods
Revised: Revise stainless pipe description to allow 316L only for cold domestic and condenser water due to concern with chlorides in city water corroding 304L.
New 230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects)
New mastespec was based on the campus AEC MS 230900. We have heavily edited Part 1 and Part 3 of the campus masterspec. Much of the Part 2 Products section remains the same, with relatively minor additions/ modifications to reflect work specific to UMH.
Here’s a summary of what this new masterspec is allowing us to do:
UMHHC owns and maintains a unified Mechanical Control System (MCS) frontend called Siemens Desigo CC. This frontend is the single and only frontend used to monitor, control, alarm and trend DDC points reporting from a variety of DDC systems used in UMHHC facilities, including Johnson Controls, Siemens, Honeywell & ASI.
- The design A/E shall utilize UMHHC’s masterspec MS230905 “Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects)” for all work on hospital funded projects that are to be maintained and monitored by the UMHHC BMS. AE shall be responsible for editing this masterspec so that it is job specific.
- All UMHHC DDC systems, regardless of manufacturer or type, shall report all points back to the Desigo CC frontend. Proprietary, or vendor specific frontends, are not allowed.
- The complete control system work shall be split between the Mechanical Systems Controls Contractor (MSCC), the Systems Integrator (SI) and UMH’s Medical Center Information Technology (MCIT) department. See Masterspec 230905 Mechanical Systems Controls (Hospital Projects), Part 1 section for a detailed description on the division of work.
- The MSCC shall provide a fully integrated BACnet MCS incorporating electric, pneumatic, and direct digital control (DDC) components for the control and monitoring of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and other related systems. Controllers shall natively use the most current ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135 for communications and shall be BTL certified with BTL published PIC statements.
- UMHHC’s Desigo CC frontend is installed on virtual servers in MCIT’s datacenter. All communication/ integration to the Desigo CC frontend shall be via BACnet IP over the MCIT layer 3 network. UMHC’s MCIT department shall be responsible for the design and installation of this primary network. The AE shall coordinate and clearly show on the contract documents all MCIT data drops to all IP based DDC controllers.
- UMHHC wishes to maximize the use of its MCIT network for a) communication to the Desigo CC frontend and b) communication between DDC building controllers. Communication to/ between lower level controllers shall be via a MS/TP secondary field level network (FLN), provided & installed by the Mechanical Systems Controls Contractor (MSCC).
- The SI shall be responsible for BACnet device and object discovery, point instantiation, alarm & trend definitions and creating of all front end graphics. The role of Systems Integrator shall be performed by UMH Systems Monitoring staff, or an integration contractor hired by Systems Monitoring. All contracts for Systems Integration, if needed, shall be at the discretion of UMH Systems Monitoring staff and shall be direct contracts with UMH, external to the construction contract.
- All products to be used as an integral part of the proposed MCS must be contained on the vendor’s pre-approved parts list (including BTL PIC statements) on file with the UMHHC Facility Planning and Development (FPD) office.
- The AE shall discuss with the FPD mechanical engineer the approved control manufacturers to list in the project specifications. The desire it to competitively bid all control projects to the approved control manufacturers listed in specification 230905. In general, all terminal unit controls (VAV/ CAV boxes, mixing boxes, FCU’s, etc) as well as all brand new stand-alone facility installations shall be competitively bid. However, UMH wishes to standardize controller manufacturers (and programming, sequence of operation, setpoints, alarming, etc) on critical equipment within a given facility. Examples of equipment that UMH may wish to sole source includes modifications to chiller plants, heating plants, AHU plants and Operating Room/ Procedure Room terminal controls.
Technical Sections
DG 6.0 102800 Toilet Accessories – prefer the toilet paper be installed above the grab bar.
DG 6.0 096500 Resilient Flooring – in general install flooring under cabinetry.
DG 6.0 123553 Laboratory Casework
- Complete rewrite to reflect current practices and coordinate with Laboratory Design and Safety guideline.
Revised Standard Details
Multiple details have been revised to include information for LED fixture installation.
26560001 – Metal Halide Site Light Schedule
26560004 – Site Lighting Trench Detail
26560006 – Typical Pole Wiring Detail
26560010 – Street Light Fixture Detail
26560014 – Parking Lot Fixture Detail
26560016 – Pedestrian Light Wall Mounted
26560021 – Slipfitter Mtd Detail
26560022 – Wall Mounting Detail
26560024 – Riser For Building-Mounted Exterior Lighting Power Source
26560025 – Pedestrian Top Wall
April 2015
SBA 5.11 Fire Command Center and DG 230900 Mechanical Systems Controls
SBA 5.11 Fire Command Center was revised to clarify certain code requirements for Fire Command Centers that are subject to interpretation, which often results in changes during construction. In particular, the requirements for smoke control panels are now described, as well as the requirements for controlling air distribution systems not related to smoke controls. It is expected that these revisions will reduce costs by avoiding change orders, and because in many cases designers or contractors were including features not required by the code or the U-M AHJ, or were failing to include code requirements such as air distribution system controls for high rises. These revisions were reviewed and approved by the U-M Fire Marshal.
Because revised SBA 5.11 specifies that building controls be used for air distribution system controls (rather than duplicating similar functions in the fire alarm system), DG 230900 Mechanical Systems Controls was revised to describe that requirement, and therefore is also included for approval.
Master Specifications
MS211313 Wet and Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems
Revisions: Pipe used on dry systems is now specified to be schedule 40 galvanized steel in all sizes. Dry system piping must be installed with the pipe seam above horizontal, must be sloped to drain at all locations and all trapped sections must be equipped with a drain valve. Added spec for dry pipe valve. Minor format fixes and mfr. updates. Revised spec name to wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems. Changes are due to ongoing problems with microbiological corrosion on dry pipe systems. A tracked version is provided for information.
6.0 Technical Sections
DG210000 Fire Protection
As recommended by the Fire Protection/Plumbing Mech. Tech Team:
Due to significant problems with microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC), dry pipe systems are to be specified with schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe in lieu of schedule 10 steel pipe. This does increase the cost of dry systems somewhat, however U-M is having significant leakage problems with dry pipe systems utilizing the thin-walled schedule 10 pipe within a few few years after installation, including incidents at the U-M Museum of Art. Due to the corrosion problems dry pipe systems experience, a thicker wall pipe would now be required. Additionally, galvanized pipe is recommended by FM. This change does not impact wet type sprinkler systems, which are the vast majority of sprinkler systems installed at U-M.
Mains and branch lines are required to be pitched at least 1/2 in. per 10 ft in all locations, regardless if in non-refrigerated areas/areas subject to freezing.
Additionally, antifreeze sprinkler systems are banned due to flammability problems with such systems. The State of Michigan recently banned anti freeze systems.
Formatting improvements were also made to the DG.
1.0 Codes and Regulatory Agencies
– Michigan Electrical Code 2012 on page 11 changed to Michigan Electrical Code 2011.
– Asterisk placed next to Building 108 Lawyers Club due to BFS compartmentalization.
– Removed “Website:” from ASHRAE Standard 170-2013 on page 20.
– February 2015 changed to March 2015 in footer.
3.0 Sustainability
Design Guideline DG 3.1 Sustainable Design Requirements
This document has been revised to require visual displays for projects over $10M construction cost. Also, you shall find the AEC Title Block and Sustainable Facts Template.
9.0 Standard Details and Schedules
Tunnel Toolkit
There are two new sheets (TK Cvrsht, TK-9).
Sheet TK-4 was divided into two sheets (TK-4A, TK-4B).
The reference file ‘2331m101 (reference 1)’ was revised and renamed to ‘m101’.
The reference file ‘2331t101 (reference 2)’ was revised and renamed to ‘t101’.
There were numerous changes to the other sheets.
New Mechanical Design Detail 15910002 Laboratory DDC Architecture and Scope of Work.
Equal scope of work will now be placed on both of our approved laboratory controls contractors. The scope of Plant DDC work is reduced. And baseline guidance can now be provided for future internal and external design of lab controls.
March 2015
University of Michigan AEC has updated the Design Guidelines website. The new Design Guideline format is based on a book of chapters. The book of Design Guidelines has been compiled into 10 Chapters. These chapters originated from previous design guideline titles and categories. The goal of the new format is to create streamlined, adaptable categories of subjects for design professionals. Numbers have replaced letter designations to allow for future expansion, and ease in abbreviation for meeting minutes and comments.
The information contained within the Design Guidelines has not changed.
SID (Special Instructions to Designers) documents are now located within their area of technical interest.
New Design Guideline chapters and a reference list of relocated SID documents.
Preferred Manufacturers List
This is a quick update to remove grooved coupling mfr.s listed in the PML that are no longer approved in U-M’s master piping specification, and to add approved mfr.s that are listed in the U-M master spec.s to the PML (with an occasional exception).
- A number of typos and punctuation errors were corrected throughout.
- 1.2.F – clarified that written certification is required prior to energization.
- 1.9.A – clarified the warranty requirements. These are now in better alignment with our general warranty requirements.
- 1.9.A.1 – added a reference to the Substantial Completion date.
- 2.1.F.3 – revised bolt and washer finish to clear zinc.
- 2.1.K – revised metal barriers to barriers
- 2.2.D.6 – clarified the connection between fused switch and transformer
- 2.2.D.9 – refined the rear door requirements
- 2.2.D.14 – clarified the viewing window requirements
- 2.2.E.13 – added position switches for remote indication.
- 2.2.F.2 – updated fuse manufacturer
- 2.2.F.3 and 4 – clarified the role of the Engineer-of-Record in fuse specification and sizing
- 2.3.H.1 – clarified the primary connection type
- 2.4.B and C – clarified CT and PT requirement
- 2.4.F – clarified the blank compartments are not permitted
- 2.4.G.5 – added open and close push buttons
- 2.4.G.17 – added kirk key interlock requirement for tie breakers
- 2.4.J.1.c – clarified control power transfer circuit language
- 2.4.K.1 – revised metering mounting height parameter
- 2.4.K.2.d – clarified current transformers and shorting blocks
- 2.4.K.3.d – deleted redundant height requirement.
- 2.4.K.5 – revised kilowatt meter model number (previous model was discontinued)
- 2.4.K.6.a.4 – added shorting terminal block description
- 3.1.E – added 1″ chamfered edge to pad. Deleted leveling channels.
- 3.1.O and P – added one-inch data conduits for metering and position switches
- 3.2.C – deleted warranty language (clarified in 1.9.A above)
- 3.2.D – added written certification requirement
- 3.2.I – clarified study settings required prior to testing
- 3.4.D – added language to coordinate training sessions and topics
- 1.2.A and 1.2.B – deletion of all text related to a “design-build” concept. There have been a number of internal meetings over the past few months to discuss the “design-build” process. At this time, the majority of projects allot designers several months to design a fire alarm system, bidders a few weeks to pull numbers together, and then onto construction. With this process, the electricians are at the mercy of the designers and how well the set is documented, and so they can only bid what they see on the drawings to be competitive. Instead of a true “design-build” process, we’re really structured as “bid-build”. Further discussions are anticipated on the overall process, but for now, we are eliminating this text. It’s not clear that the text added value or savings to projects, just confusion.
- 1.5.K – added a designer hidden note to meter and document maximum ambient sound levels in renovation projects. This is a reminder to the designer to properly field verify, with the anticipation of reducing errors/omissions.
- 1.5.L.1 – added a designer hidden note to include room names on all plans, with offices and multi-person offices differentiated. This is a reminder to the designer to properly document, with the anticipation of reducing errors/omissions.
- 1.5.N.2 – added a designer hidden note to identify make and model of existing FACPs in order to determine whether a cross-tie is feasible. This is a reminder to the designer to properly field verify, with the anticipation of reducing errors/omissions.
- 2.3 – added a designer hidden note to identify the fire alarm control panel as an “Elevator Recall Control and Supervisory Control Unit” in special circumstances. This complies with the latest Codes.
- 2.13 – corrected spelling of “plastic” within designer hidden note.
- 2.23.A.8 – deleted “2007” from the NFPA 72 reference. Keeping this one “date neutral” will save on revisions down the road.
- 2.3.J.1.c – added MonoSystems as an acceptable manufacturer for metallic raceways.
February 2015.
Standard Details and Master Specifications
Update our master details to include a radiused bend within the surface raceway (PDF, DGN, and DWG versions for each detail).
26053313 – Dual Channel Raceway Installation
26053315 – Metallic Raceway With Modular Furniture Feed
and update the specifications to accompany the detail revisions (refer to Paragraph 2.3.B).
260533 Electrical Materials and Methods
These revisions should help keep project costs down by easing installation of cables and by minimizing the potential of damage to cables.
Master Specifications
Removed 235239 Fire Tube Boilers (Hot Water)
Removed from the U-M web page because it does not reflect current U-M requirements for such boilers. Having it on the website risks it being used by outside A/Es, causing significant issues on projects.
Technical Sections
DG 102800 Toilet Accessories
Feminine product dispensers are not supported by building services, if requested review operational impact with department.
Added in dimensions of the trash receptacles design professional should plan for.
265600 Exterior Lighting
This revision switches exterior roadway, parking lot, pedestrian and building-mounted lighting from metal halide and fluorescent to LED. This change will increase energy efficiency and lamp longevity, reduce up-lighting, glare and light trespass, and reduce fixture maintenance. Project initial cost right now will be a little higher or a little lower depending upon multiple factors. Because LED prices are continuing to fall, eventually initial cost will always be lower. Energy and maintenance costs will be much lower. Light level requirements remain unchanged.
Codes and Regulatory Agencies
Updated issue date to February 2015
Page 2
– Changed title on table of contents from “State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Fire Services (BFS)” to “State of Michigan Health Care Safety Rules”
Page 6
– Updated Right of Way URL to the new web link
Page 7
– Changed title from “State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Fire Services (BFS)” to “State of Michigan Health Care Safety Rules”
– Included “Bureau of Fire Services (BFS) ((Filed December 23, 2014) Effective February 3, 2015)” after the title
– NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code updated from 2006 to 2012
– Added “Note this requires by reference compliance with NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code 2012” at the end of the paragraph
– Updated Administrative rules web site to include the link to the new 2012 code
January 2015.
New Underwriter Insurer Currently under Special Instructions to Designers.
- Master Specification 142123 – Electric Traction Elevator
- Master Specification 142423 – Hydraulic Elevator
December 2014.
Special Instructions to Designers
SID-L Owner’s Review
Updated the format to match our new DG format.
Updated the language to declarative statements.
Updated the reviewers list to incorporate department name changes.
Added the requirement for the A/E to submit for review an updated Energy and Water Conservation Report.
This DG has been updated to match our current Owner’s Review process.
No impact on project cost.
SID-G Commissioning
The technical changes include:
Two related documents were added and the name of another was updated,
Spec numbers were updated to match the current 6-digit numbering system.
Revision dates were removed for the reference documents.
Commissioning Authority work scope was clarified.
It has been updated to match our current commissioning processes and updated to match or current DG format.
This revision should have no impact on project cost.
Master Specifications
MS 235716 Steam-To-Water Heat Exchangers – New
MS 220523 Valves
- Revised to strike ball valve mfr.s no longer approved or available.
- Add specific Jomar model number ball valve as approved
- Strike Grinnell GHP since it’s the same valve as the Keystone that has proven unreliable.
- Restricted use of lead free valves to potable water systems only due to soldering challenges.
MS 221113 Piping Materials & Methods
Add George Fischer as approved for PP pressure piping, add material requirements for storm and sanitary pump discharge piping. Add general requirements for plastic pipe hangers/supports. Per Plumbing and FP MTT.
Technical Section
230030 Laboratory Ventilation Design
Revised: Velocity requirement for snorkels and similar devices added. See page 7. No cost impact.
Standard Details
Updated detail – 27200009 – Area of Refuge Two-way Comm System
We had updated the DGN version in November, but the PDF and DWG versions were not updated. The PDF and DWG versions now match the DGN version.
New Tunnel Toolkit drawing: TK-12 Tunnel Temporary Shoring Detail.
Procedures and Guidelines for Exterior Elements
Guildelines for Installing Antennas on University Buildings or Structures
Contact person was change from Julie Truettner to Tony Catchot.